Chapter 9: Worth it

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"Oi!" he called out "If that little thing doesn't show up for the tournament, get ready to fight me personally"

The old man paused for a moment before continuing on his way out the door. Dre, however, hesitated a little longer, staring at Master Li with a fearful expression. Feeling his gaze, Master Li looked down at him as if to say, 'What are you still doing here, brat?'

As if he heard the thought, Dre quickly turned and followed Mr. Han out. Cheng sighed, feeling slightly put out that he didn't get to fight Dre right then and there, but then it hit him. Now he had the opportunity of beating Dre up in front of thousands of people! Even better!

Grinning, he turned, making eye contact with me, as I looked at him at the same moment

My eyes crinkled into pleased crescents and glittered with anticipation

'You ready?' my dark orbs seemed to ask tauntingly

Cheng narrowed his eyes 'Always.'

~First Person P.O.V~

"You're losing! You're losing! Shoot it! Shoot it quick!"

"Zhuang!" Cheng snapped through gritted teeth "I get it. Please shut up or go bother Liang!"

Liang laughed, masterfully pulling at the plastic trigger "Oh please, Cheng. I'm way too far ahead for you to catch up now"

"I wouldn't say that, Liang," Cheng responded with an evil grin "You might just jinx yourself"

Suddenly, something gold glittered in the corner of the screen

Zhuang nearly burst Cheng's eardrum with his ensuing screech "CHENG, IT'S A BONUS, QUICK, GET IT, GET IT, GET IT!"

"SHUT UP!" Cheng roared back, wincing. Nevertheless, he took aim and fired. Seconds later, the game ended, announcing in bright, bold letters that Cheng had won the game

Cheng and Zhuang turned simultaneously to the slack-jawed Liang, yelling in unison, "Hah! Loser!"

Regaining control of his face, Liang laughed along, hands held up in defeat "Alright, alright, the next game is on me"

"Free tokens," Cheng and Zhuang hooted triumphantly, slapping each other a high-five. Liang rolled his eyes, linking his arms with Cheng and Zhuang and pulling them towards the token machine. Along the way, he released his friends' arms and pulled out his wallet

Just as a shower of tokens tumbled out of the machine, Zhuang nudged Cheng and Liang "Hey, guys, isn't that Y/n over there?"

Cheng looked up while Liang scooped up the tokens

Sure enough, at an air hockey table was me, completely absorbed in my game with Piao, a boy from our grade

"It is," Cheng affirmed "So this is where she's been all day. No wonder she wasn't answering her phone"

"Let's go see what she's been up to," Liang remarked

I didn't even notice their approach, so engrossed was I in her game. Silently, the three boys stood by the side of the air hockey table, watching in an almost mesmerized fashion as the puck whizzed back and forth with alarming speed. The score was tied with only one goal left before the game ended; tension was high, buzzing in the air like electricity and visible in my tensed muscles

Suddenly, Zhuang sneezed, and my eyes flickered off the table

The winning point was scored

"Shit!" I hissed, glaring at the flashing numbers on the scoreboard when the puck managed to slip through my defenses in the split second of inattention. Across the table, Piao pumped a fist into the air

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