Chapter 10: The Qi Xi Fetival

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"He challenged us," Cheng responded coldly, looking very displeased at the direction the conversation was turning in

"It's more than that," Meiying snarled "I can tell. I think you're just being a jerk! What kind of threat is Dre to you? What, do you think he's going to—going to take away your popularity or something? What the hell is so important that you need to keep tormenting him?"

Cheng's expression darkened, but he said no more on the matter. Sitting down at the coffee table, he merely began to eat solemnly. We, however, knew him well enough to recognize that Meiying's reaction had hurt him

I frowned "Meiying, back off. I told you this before and I'll say it again: stop acting like you know the whole story. Maybe there's something deeper going on that you just don't know about"

"Yeah," Feng said, nodding "Cut Cheng some slack"

"It wasn't our fault that Dre decided to initiate the battle himself," Qing pointed out

"Exactly. No one told him to go dump that crappy water on us," Liang said

"Forget it, guys," Cheng cut in coolly. He regarded Meiying with cold eyes "She's not worth it"

Meiying glowered at him while we all turned to him in shock at his words. Cheng merely continued to eat. After a moment, we all exchanged uncertain glances before following Cheng's lead and eating silently too. Meiying, still scowling furiously, grabbed her plate and moved to the other side of the room, choosing to eat by herself instead

~First Person P.O.V~

"And then, Qing just had to answer Feng's stupid question," I said, gesturing animatedly as I recounted the previous night's events to Zhuang and Xiang, who were listening with rapt attention "Naturally, Meiying heard. She made us tell her everything that led up to Dre being in the tournament; then she started yelling at Cheng for bullying people purposelessly. Of course, the rest of us jumped to his defense, but then the scariest thing happened" I paused for dramatic effect

Xiang scowled "Well? What happened?"

"Yeah, stop teasing us," Zhuang whined

I leaned closer, looking deadly serious "He told us to stop and that she wasn't worth it"

Xiang and Zhuang's mouths dropped open

"Cheng saying that Meiying wasn't worth it?" Xiang repeated dumbly

"You're lying," Zhuang accused

"Nope," I said, shaking my head. My eyes slipped to the side and lit up "Hey, perfect timing. Cheng can tell you that I'm telling the truth!"

Xiang and Zhuang turned to follow my gaze, spotting Cheng approaching with Liang, Feng, and Qing trailing behind him. To our confusion, the other three seemed to be in a daze

"You guys okay?" I asked, nudging Liang as he approached

He glanced at Cheng before whispering, "I think Cheng's finally lost it"

I furrowed my brows "What?"

Xiang stared at Cheng "Is it true that you said Meiying wasn't worth it yesterday?"

"Yeah, Y/n's just making it up, right?" Zhuang added skeptically

Cheng rolled his eyes "No, she's telling the truth. I'm done with Meiying"

Silence prevailed as me, Xiang, and Zhuang tried to register Cheng's words

"Wait, I'm sorry, but what did you just say?" I asked stupidly

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