Chapter 17: Turbulence

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I sighed, rolling over onto my side in my bed. "Do you think he still likes her?"

"Based on what you just told me," the voice replied calmly. "I think you're overthinking this. Just calm down."

"It's not just what he said," I argued. "It's the way he said it. Plus, he looked really happy and relaxed—as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders or something." I sighed again. "I just can't help but worry that he still likes her."

"Well, you know Cheng better than I do, Y/n," the voice said. "Based on the words, I'd say you're overthinking things. I still think you are, but if you really feel that badly, I'd suggest you talk to Cheng about it."

"Is that Y/n?" a new voice suddenly said faintly on the other line.

A shiver ran down my spine as the voice, much louder this time, sang out, "Hi there, little cousin! Still afraid of noodles?"

"Mengyao!" the original voice snapped faintly.

I cleared my throat. "Well, alright, thanks for listening, Hui—you're the best cousin ever! Mengyao, I hate your guts. Bye!"

With that, I hung up, tossing my phone onto the bed beside me as I rolled onto my back. Staring up at the top of my canopy bed, I sighed. "Cheng, why are you so complicated."

~First Person P.O.V~

Meiying shifted her weight uncomfortably as she stood by the door to one of the Fighting Dragon dojos. According to her watch, class had just ended, and she could hear people mulling around inside, making small talk as they gathered their things to leave.

Finally, the door swung open, and out came a small group of tall boys, all laughing at something Meiying hadn't heard. After them, the door swung open again, each time allowing a small group of boys to trickle out. Each time, some of the boys glanced at Meiying curiously, but continued on their way without pause.

Finally, the last ones in the dojo came out, a blonde-haired girl accompanied by two laughing boys—all of whom Meiying recognized from the grade above her.

"Biyu," she called out as they emerged from the door. "Is Cheng still inside?"

"Hey Meiying," the girl replied with a smile. "Yeah, he and his friends are in the infirmary."

"Y/n took a pretty nasty hit today," one of the boys explained when he saw Meiying's startled expression. "No worries, though, she'll be fine."

The other nodded, rolling his eyes. "And of course that means the whole gang has to stay behind. Those guys are so close it's almost ridiculous."

"They're in the small room in the back of the dojo," Biyu told Meiying. "If Master Li asks you what you're doing, just say you need to speak with Cheng and the others. If you're lucky, he'll be in the storage room and you won't have to speak with him at all." With that, she and the other two boys left.

Meiying took a deep breath and reached out for the door, pulling it open and slipping inside quietly. Luck was with her, for Cheng's scary kung fu master was nowhere in sight. As quietly as she could, feeling like a thief in the process, she slunk through the dojo, reaching the other side in seconds.

As she approached the infirmary door, she could hear my whines drifting through the closed door.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, that hurts! Liang, you suck at first aid!"

"Shut up, will you?" Liang replied in an annoyed tone. In the background were giggles and snickers that Meiying assumed were from the rest of the gang. There was a moment of silence, then, "There, all done. It's going to be pretty tender for a while, but you could probably remove the bandage by tomorrow."

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