Chapter 16: Bad Influence

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My eyes widened when I felt his lips press firmly against mine, and I froze. I had wondered before what it would be like to kiss Cheng, had even entertained the idea of giving it a try randomly out of the blue someday, but my imagination didn't do the true experience justice.

The moment he sealed his lips to mine, a jittery shiver ran down my spine, and that giddy feeling swelled up in my chest again, this time so light and fluttery that I thought my chest might burst. His eyes were open, carefully watching mine, waiting for my reaction. With butterflies still dancing in my stomach, I smiled into the kiss, allowed my eyelids to flutter shut, and tentatively kissed back. A feeling I could only describe as happiness spread through me, and suddenly my doubts and worries were no more. Suddenly feeling so much lighter, like I could soar through the clouds if I wanted to, I brought my hands up to rest on Cheng's chest, feeling static beneath my fingertips.

As I closed my eyes and began to kiss back, Cheng closed his own eyes and relaxed the tenseness in his spine. As if my kiss lit a flame within him, warmth licked at his mind, washing away his earlier fear of rejection for his sudden kiss. His hands moved by themselves, the one on my chin moving to cup the side of my face while his free hand shifted down to settle in the toned curve of my waist. He held me gently, showing a tenderness he didn't know he possessed like I was a fragile glass or wisps of something priceless that would slip through his fingers like water if he wasn't careful.

Finally, the need to breathe became too great, and we parted, faces flushed.

Cheng, feeling immensely satisfied, smiled and leaned his forehead against mine. "Everything clear now?"

I smiled back, looking more shy than he had ever seen me look. "Crystal clear."

"Well, just one more thing to take care of then," Cheng continued. He grabbed one of my hands, bringing it up and pressing a light kiss to my knuckles. "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

I seriously worried that my chest might actually burst. Was it possible to have such a warm feeling blossom in my chest like that?

I grinned widely. "I thought you'd never ask."

~First Person P.O.V~

The boys were upon Cheng like a pack of dogs the second he walked through the school gates.

"Cheng! You sly devil, you!"

"Did you really do it? Did you really?"

"I can't believe you actually worked up the nerve to do that!"

"It's nice, isn't it?"

"Y/n and Cheng, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S—"

It wasn't until Qing started singing that Cheng understood what they were rambling about.

Face reddening, he blanched at them. "Wh—how did you guys know so soon?" His eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Did Y/n tell you?"

Liang raised his hand. "Technically, she only told me, but then I told everyone else."

Zhuang bounced up to Cheng's face, eyes wide in giddy excitement. "Did you really kiss Y/n?"

Cheng nodded, having to place his hands on Zhuang's shoulders firmly when the boy started to bounce hyper-actively.

Qing came next. With a wide, goofy grin, he nudged Cheng's side, wiggling his eyebrows in the process. "Come on, Cheng, we're all dying to know. How was The Kiss? Is Y/n a good kisser?"

They all laughed at Cheng's reddened face.

"Seriously," Xiang said after a moment of watching Cheng sputter indignantly. "Answer the question!"

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