chapter 4

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Kates POV

"Hunter I cant do it" I whisper and he strokes my arms. "Just go out there and do your best" he says reassuringly. "Cheesy" I tease breaking the tension for a moment. "They are calling you" he says pointing to my team. I jog back over to the huddle and listen to my coach ramble on about stupid stuff; like team work. "Katie if you pull another stunt again your off the team for good" she says narrowing her eyes at me.

The only reason she let me back on is because she had to. I have top of the class grades and outstanding behavior at school. After talking with the principle about ethical behavior; I was let back on.

"Cmon girls go out there and kill" our coach yells and we nod. We all go to our positions and I put my hands up to block. The girl on the other side of the net smirks. I ignore her even though Im so confused why she smirked. I shake it off as my teammate serves. The team retrieves it and I go up to set. My set is interupted by weird noises. I miss the set and sigh. My coach yells from the bench but I tune her out.

A few points are scored against us. Its my turn to serve and its 24 to 21. We are losing and I cant mess up. I take a deep breath and throw the ball up. I turn my head and see Hunter. Not just Hunter though. Hunter making out with a petite red head. I hear the ball drop in front of me and my teammates yell.

My vision is blurred and the people coming toward me are clearly mad but Im only thinking about her lips on his. My lips were just on his less then 24 hours ago. he looks up due to all the commotion and locks eyes with mine. I look down and walk back to my friend Krista. "Hey, dont worry about it" she says turning her head toward Hunter.


Im quiet the whole ride home. Krista sends me glances every few minutes and gives me a pitiful look. I keep a straight face and show no emotion. She turns on the radio but quickly turns it off when a sad song comes on. "Im not letting you sit home alone tonight" she says as the car stops infront of my house. "Its ok Krista" I say fiddiling with the straps on my bag. "No, if you sit around and sulk you will never get over him. Tonight around 7 Im picking you up. That gives you time to cry and crap" she says winking at me. I cant help but smile and nod. I run up to my door and use the key to get in.

I throw in a bag of popcorn and pour myself a huge class of Coke. Ding. I take out the scorching bag of popcorn. I sink down into my couch and turn on a pointless sitcom. After about an hour I trudge up to my room and change into jeans and a sweater. I grab my keys and walk toward my car. I see Hunter leaning up against the hood. "Off my hood" I demand and he ignores me. "Not till you talk to me" he says stubborny. I smirk and get in my car. I start the car and he doesnt move.

"Holy crap" he screams as I pull out of the driveway sending him on his butt. "Dont make me reverse" I scream out the window and he stands on the grass. "Im sorry Katie" he says using puppy dog eyes. "Yea, Im sorry your such a douche. You really think Im gonna sit here and listen to your prepared speech about how she meant nothing or she came onto you. I know were not together but it doesnt mean that I didnt care about you. For one second I thought I was falling Hunter." I say out the window and he stands there. I roll my eyes and continue to drive down the street.


I walk through the grocery store looking for the cereal. "Are you looking for something?" I hear a voice ask behind me. Holy cow hes hot! His black hair covers his forehead and his blue eyes twinkle as he smiles at me. "yeah, I cant find the cereal" I admit and he motions for me to follow him.

"Captain crunch or Cheerios?" he asks me while we stand infront of the two cereals. "Captain Crunch all the way" I announce and he smiles. He takes it and places it in my basket. "what a gentlemen" I laugh and he bowes. "Hey, Katie I know I just met you.. like 5 minutes ago but would you like to go out sometime." he asks and I smile. "I would love too" I say and he grins. "Tonight?" he asks and I smile. "See ya at 7" I say walking to the line. I see him do a little dance and I stifle a laugh.

For a moment I almost forgot about Hunter. Almost. But tonight Im gonna have fun and forget about that jurek. That stupid dumb jurek.

Authors Note

Heyyy, please comment and vote. It would mean sooo much to me. I hope to get another chapter up soon :)

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