Chapter 7

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My pencil flies across the paper as idea spring into my mind. I hum along to a song by Parachute completely relaxed. I spoke to soon though because next thing I know something thuds against my window. I sigh when I see the skid from the pencil across the skyline I was working on thanks to jumping from the noise.

I push back my desk chair and slowly walk over to the window. I look down slightly and see Hunter hanging onto the gutter. I gasp and fling the window open. I take a deep breath before placing one foot on my ledge outside my widow. I swing my left foot over and plant myself firmly on the shingles.

"What are you doing?" I hiss as he dangles from my two story window. "I came to see you" he grins acting like he's not about to fall and shatter every bone in his body. "I have a front door" I retort and he gives me a half shrug considering his other arm is being used to hold himself up.

"Now this has been a nice chit chat princess, but can you help me up?" he suggests a strain in his voice. I sigh and carefully get on my knees so I can reach him. Once I make sure I'm not going slip off and plummet towards the ground I grab his free hand.

I use all my strength to pull him up and he tries to help me by using his other arm. I can't help but let my gaze wander to his biceps when he tries to pull himself up. I notice a vein that runs from his shoulder to his wrist. I have an urge to reach out and run my fingers along it, but decide against it.

I barely notice that he has fully pulled himself up and is now staring back at me. I turn away flushing from getting caught staring. "Why are you here?" I demand holding on to my windowsill while pulling myself to a standing position.

"Like I said before I came to see you" he says in an obvious tone. I just roll my eyes and climb back into my bedroom. "Well I don't want to see you.. so bye. Oh and this time you can use the door so you don't fall to your death" I smile sweetly and he glares.

He ignores my request and walks over to my bed. He falls back on it making my made bed a mess. "I'm kind of busy so would you mind leaving?" I plead and receive a lazy grin. "Nope" he says popping the "p".

I roll my eyes again and sit back down at my desk. I hit play on Pandora and start to erase the marks. I become relaxed again, but it ends soon because I feel Hunter's presence behind me. "Those are good" he compliments pointing to my sketches that lay across my messy desk. I push back a strand that falls from my bun and smile.

Hunters POV:

She smiles and swipes a wisp of hair that fell from her messy bun. "Thanks, its just something I like to do when I'm stressed." she says looking down at her recent drawing of the city's skyline at night. "Are you stressed?" I ask and she looks away as if hiding something.

"Um.. no I've just been confused about something so I decided to draw to ease my mind" she says softly looking anywhere but me. Her soft brown eyes look sad and I have an urge to run my fingers across her jaw and kiss her pink lips. Her gaze snaps to mine and I realize my fingers have gripped her arms.

"Why are you holding me?" she whispers like each second with my fingers on her is hurting her. I pull back coughing awkwardly as tension fills the air. "Hey lets do something fun" I say suddenly hoping to clear away the awkwardness. Her eyebrows knit together in a confused way that I find undeniably cute. "Like what?" she asks.

I look around and smile when I spot her matress. "Like matress sliding" I say and she smiles. "Is that safe?" she asks and I shrug. "I don't know, but who cares" I say and she contemplates for a moment before shrugging.


"Ahhh" she screams while flying down each step. When she reaches the bottom she fist bumps and laughs. I feel my sides hurt from laughing so hard from her. She looks ridiculous wearing a pillow secured with a rubber band around her head for protection.

"One more time!" she yells running up the stairs tripping on the heavy bed. She reaches the top and flashes me a smile before jumping on the matress and going down the steps again. She thuds on every step, but before she hits the bottom the matress comes out from beneath her sending her rolling towards the wall. Her body hits it and a loud shatter rings next to her.

I run from the stairs down to her. I see her arm punched a hole through the painting that fell from the wall and the vase shattered into pieces. She winces in pain and I notice glass stuck into her leg through her yoga pants and cuts all over her body.

I step around the glass and lift her up from the glass shards and broken painting. I carry her to the bathroom to place her on the sink. She whimpers from the pains in her legs. "Ow" she cries when I touch a piece of glass stuck in her thigh.

"I'm going to remove the glass, but first you're going to have to take off your pants." I say expecting a freak out and she just nods. I rummage through the cabinets and find a small pair of scissors. I give her a look before cutting up the seams of her pants. I cut both sides and slide the pants off without hitting any pieces of glass.

My eyes travel up her legs until I go weak in the knees when I see her underwear. I feel myself go hard right away and I groan. "A lace thong really why do you gotta do this to me?" I groan trying to control the bulge in my pants.

She blushes a scarlet and puts her face in her hands. "I don't want to get underwear lines when I wear yoga pants, sorry" she says looking miserable. "I'll go get a pair of shorts" she says jumping down from the counter. When she turns around I groan again. "So damn sexy" I mutter picking her up and placing her back on the sink.

Once I think I'm a little controlled downstairs I pick up the tweezers to try and remove the glass. My fingers brush against her skin causing her to shiver. I smirk at my ability to make her squirm. I blow on her skin all the way until I reach the tip of her red lace. She squeezes her eyes shut and takes short breathes.

I run my fingers up her thighs slowly drawing circles against her smooth skin. I run my fingertips along the seams of her thong right beneath her belly button. I hear her breathing waver and she pants. I smirk and slip one finger into her panties.

She lets out a moan that makes me freeze. "Hunter" she whispers with her head back. I look down and see a tent in my pants. I take my finger out and stand up. She pouts when she realizes I'm not touching her anymore.

I place my hands on either side of her face and lean in. "Why did you stop?" she mutters pouting and I sigh. " I can't do that to you, I'm sorry" I choke out breathless from the way her voice is gravely. She looks away embarrassed tears coming to her eyes. She covers her lower area with her hands.

"What are you doing?" I ask and she frowns. "I'm to ugly so you can just pull out the glass and we'll be done here" she sighs and I grip the sides of her face. "Listen to me Kate. You are not ugly, you are the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. Its not that I don't want to do that with you, its I can't stand hurting you and that's what I do best. I hurt people, but I can't let that happen with you." I say and she looks down.

"Feel this Kate" I say taking her small hand and placing it on the crotch of my pants. She gasps as she feels the bulge poking her. "Oh my seem big" she giggles. I lean in close to her ear as I whisper "I am".

"You're making me wet" she whispers causing my mind to go crazy. "Don't tell me that, it will make me take you right here on this sink" I groan and she giggles again. "Sorry. Now get this glass out of me" she demands and I laugh.

I pull at the glass lightly wiggling it out with the tweezers. After several attempts we got the piece out. I clean her cuts and bandage them. Finally I'm done with all the cuts and I can breath normally, She smelt like chocolate and the whole I couldn't think straight.

She jumps off the counter and runs to her room leaving me staring at her ass when she runs back. She comes back two minutes later in a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt. "Ok, now we have to find a way to get that painting fixed and find that exact vase." she groans looking at the mess on the floor.

"I think I have to..go" I mumble and she laughs. "Oh no you don't. You're helping me with this bad boy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2013 ⏰

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