Electrifying Love

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"You never meant anything to me". Those words haunt me and have haunted me. I guess you never know the person you love until something happens. Something bad happens. Im sure your very confused so let me back track and I promise you will feel my pain.

*1 year ago*

I giggle as my best friend Trista falls to the ground after trying to do a kartwheel. I try to show her and end up almost breaking my neck. "Oh my gosh, I just saw my life flash before my eyes" I say dramatically and she rolls her eyes. "Your so dramatic all the time" she says helping my up. I hear a trucks engine roar from down the street. I squint and see the truck fly by us leaving nothing but autum leaves in his place. I shrug and pull Trista inside my house.

"Uhh Kate, is it ok if I go hang with Jackson?" she asks biting her lip and I smile at my lovesick friend. "Goo" I say handing her purse to her and shoving her out. "have fun" I call and she flashes me a goofy smile. "Try not to do anything exciting while Im gone" she shouts sarcastically and I smirk. "I'll try" I say and shut the door. I skip up my steps to my light blue room. I turn on 22 by Taylor Swift and jam out.

I decide I have been a loser enough for one day so I throw on some skinny jeans and a sweater. I slip on my uggs and quickly braid my hair. I grab my keys and look throughout the house. Parents away. again. Brother out. again. So yep Im alone. again. I lock the door and jog to my car. I decided to stop at starbucks then maybe hit the library or mall.

I pull up in Starbucks and see its pretty empty. Thats strange its usually packed with people craving coffee. I step out of my little Prius and adjust my scarf to block the bitter wind. I pull on the cold handle and suddenly feel engulfed in heat and the smell of cofee and pastries. I stand in line behind a couple and smile. I always love seeing couples, they're so cute but sometimes I feel lonely. The guy at the counter brings me out of my thoughts. "Oh Hi, I would like a Hazelnut Latte" I order politely. The guys goes to make it and I take in the surroundings. A man on his laptop types away and a lady sits with her friend enjoying their company. I grab my cup as I see an open seat. I sit down and drink my cup while scrolling through facebook. Nothing like creeping on sluts profile pages. Their so weird. I would never post half the stuff they do online. Some posts are plan stupid but of coarse everyone likes them like "Just showered hehehe ;)" thats one I see all the time. Like I would hope you could shower.

I start to get bored so I decide to leave. Its 2 in the afternoon already and Im sitting in my car. So fun. I sigh and start the car. Over Again by One Direction plays and I quietly sing to myself. I hate to admit it but they are pretty good. I pull in the mall parking lot and see a guy banging on his truck. I step out of my car and stare. He mutters swears while his hands bleed from what looks like broken glass. I would normally walk away trying not to be seen but he looks faintly similar so I decide to approach him.

"are you okay" I ask quietly and he stops. He stares right at me with rage in his eyes. His green eyes radiate anger and I cower in his prensence. "No- Im not okay" He says motioning to his hand. As Im about to walk away I decide against it and grab his hand. "Look you little bi-" He starts but winces when I pull out a piece of glass. He stays silent but still tense with anger. I pull out the last piece and he looks down to me. "What happened?" I ask and he smirks. "Like I'd ever tell you" he sneers making me want to punch him. "Look you dont have to be a jurek" I say with an edge and he looks down. "Its who I am" he says more sensitive than I could imagine him being. "but you may go now, I dont need a little girl hanging around me" he slurs and I can tell hes been drinking. "Look I was only trying to help" I say definsively starting to get angry. "Oh please, you came over here cause your attracted" he says with a cocky expression and I laugh with bitterness. "Hah, you wish" I say and mentally slap myself at my lame come back. He inches closer to me and I want to run but for some reason I dont move. He gets close to my ear, "You want me" he whispers sending shivers down my spine but I stay indifferent. "Like I said before.. no" I say and for a moment when  I look into his bright green eyes I feel something electrifying.


Hey Guys! Thanks for reading and its a new story some Im still working out some things. the next one will be longer I just wanted to introduce Kate and Hunter. soo yep thats it. please vote and comment :)

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