chapter 2

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I serve the ball with all my force. Its still not good enough, Im not good enough. I curse myself and suddenly feel like crying. Frustration has been building upon me since I started Volleyball. In 6th grade. yep I did it because my mom wanted me to. Dont get me wrong I mean I sorta like it but my parents are never around to support me.

I pick up another ball and throw it up. As it comes down I swing and it goes over but out. I groan in frustration and my coach comes over. "Throw it higher Kate, If you cant handle this team then walk out right now" she says and I squeeze my fingers into my palms. My fingernails dig into my sweaty palms and suddenly it doesnt matter. "I can handle this team but the only thing I cant handle is your constant nagging, I want to take this freaking ball and shove it up your-" I scream but cut myself off before I say anything that could cause serious damage. I breath in heavy and she stands there in complete and utter shock. Didnt see that one coming did ya coach?

I grab my volleyball bag and storm out. Leaning against the exit is Hunter. The one boy I really cant handle right now. or ever. "That was hot" he says smirking. I roll my eyes and feel him following me. I can feel his eyes burning a hole through my body and suddenly I feel self consious as I realize Im in short spandex. "Hunter stop staring at me" I say loudly but the end comes out in a barely audible whisper.

He stops and pulls me to his truck. He leans me against the hood and I gulp. "Please dont hurt me" I plead and he smirks. "Im not that big of a douche" he says seeming amused. I get angry and push him off of me. "Im not gonna be your next victim Hunter, you practically rape girls just to get what you want. Anger flickers in his eyes but is gone in a second as he leans close to me like before. "Its not rape if they like it" he whispers in a perverted tone. "Your a perv" I say starting to walk away. "and your a brat" he comments and I whip myself around.

I walk up to him and stand on my tippy toes to be eye level with him. I try to be scary but his electric green eyes dance with laughter. "You couldnt scare a fly" he says smirking and I want to kiss it right off his face.  I mean slap, slap is what I meant. Right? Ughh I dont know but I do know Im not like the other girls. "I would never, I repeat never date such a heartless boy like you" I sneer and for a second he looks hurt. "You know nothing about me" he bites back and I smile. "Your right, all I know is you use girls to get what you want and you dont give a damn about anyone else" I yell and he looks down.

I start to walk away to find my ride but realize shes still practicing. Of coarse. I have to walk a mile and a half. I groan loudly and start walking. "Its sexy when you make those noices" Hunter says pulling up in his truck. Hes back to his normal  dirty minded self. "To bad you wont ever cause them" I say without looking at him. He continues to ride next to me, I suddenly wish I wore pants so I could cover my bare legs. "Get in" he commands and I look at him like hes crazy.

"Thats like asking me to take candy from a stranger." I say and he sends me a half smile. Thats kinda cute. I sigh and realize I cant walk this far so I reluctuntly jump in the passenger seat and he turns up the heat. He turns on the radio and i glance at him out of the corner of my eye. His chizled jaw is perfectly defined and his green eyes sprakle. HIs dirty blonde hair rest in a mess upon his head making him look perfect. He hands tap the steering wheel to the beat and his chest moves up and down slightly with his breaths. I notice he muslces flex when he turns the wheel. I see a smirk play on his lips and he has noticed I was staring.

A blush strikes my cheeks and I am grateful he doesnt say anything. He pulls into a driveway that must be his house. Its pretty big but seems very homey. There are flowers that line the stones going up to the magonhy wooden door. I opens it to reveal and empty house. It smells good like lemon squares and I inhale. "I thought you were gonna drive me to my house?" I question and he shrugs. "I thought a loner like you would love to be around a God like me, Im doing you a favor" He says clearly thinking highly of himself. "Yes its such an honor" I say with sarcasm dripping from my voice.

He grabs my hand and walks upstairs. I feel tingles as he holds it lightly. We enter his room which is a mess. Clothes and papers all over. I walk around stuff and sit on his bed. He joins me but he leans back. "tell me something" he says continuing to look up. "What do you mean?" I ask and he sighs.

"Something that would suprise me" he says and I think. "I play guitar and sing" I say shyly and he sits up. His shirt rises up slightly and he smiles. "Thats nice" he says seeming liek he genuinely means it. I notice a guitar in the corner of his room. "You play?" I ask and he suddenly has a pained expression.

"I used to before.." he trails on and suddenly drops it. "Sing" he demands but not meanly. He hands me the guitar and I look at it. "Oh Im not that good" I say blushing and he continues to hand it to me. "I'll be the judge of that" he says and I sigh. I start strumming some chords to Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol.

We'll do it all


On our own

We don't need


Or anyone

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

I don't quite know

How to say

How I feel

Those three words

Are said too much

They're not enough

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told

Before we get too old

Show me a garden that's bursting into life

Let's waste time

Chasing cars

Around our heads

I need your grace

To remind me

To find my own

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

I finsish and he bends down. I go beneath him and stoke his cheek thats full of tears. "Im sorry" I say and he looks up into my eyes. I feel a jolt of sparks go through me when his green eyes lock with mine. "Your so much like her" he whispers probaly to himself.

I feel confusion wash over me and I wipe another one of his tears. Hunter the wild party boy who doesnt care about anyone is crying. I feel my chest tighten as he sits up with an expression filled with anger, hurt and sadness. "Leave" he says and I go to grab his hand. "I said leave" he says suddenly turning cold. I nod and run out. I continue to run down the street. Not crying. but just wondering. What has this boy been through?

---> Picture of Hunter comment what you think

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