Chapter Two

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Void Tails : Chapter Two

Chapter Two

* Authors note *

Rolling along here with a second chapter. Hoping to get a bit of feedback. Hope you enjoy.

*End *

[Milo's point of view]

Shouting, panic, alarms blaring into the heavens. Even a spot light or two eruppted into the skies.

It came down like a feather on fire, with each silent second looming closer to the mountain range in the distance. Passing overhead completely.

Until it came down with enough force to split the forest. Dragging with it a line of dirt and fire. The ground shook from its forcefulness.

"Milo!!" Mom's voice boomed over the small speakers down in the plaza. Just noticeable by sensitive ears.

It was a quick decision. Nobody else could have watched whatever it was hit. Nobody would notice the small streak it made through the dirt.

So without a second thought he leaped down past a few cracked rocks. Stumbling only for a second to catch his balance. Nothing like this ever happened around here. It could be gold from a lost pirate treasure, or gold that had slipped away from a weathly mans carrier ship.

Gold exited his mind. He'd be able to buy as many boards as he could ever want. Maybe even launch an expedition to find the remains of old captain black. Or forge his own team of space travelers.

Pushing through a bit of brush he landed with a thud. Dirt sunk into his fur. Of course it had rained the past few days. So the forest floor was hardly dry.

Nothing had prepared him for the sight of a few small fires burning contently around a fairly large sphere. It was about as tall as two of him, maybe just as wide too. Made of a weird non shiny black metal.

Steping down into the indentation he heard shouting from atop the hill. Where he'd been only minutes before. This was his find, anything he found would be his.

Slowly he crept across the crater it had created. Pushing away a few fallen branches that had been broken in the crash. This side was warm to the touch, yet cool as you pushed your hand across the metal. One big giant circle.

Peaking around the other edge. It was empty. A seat in the center, buttons that flickered bright red. A screen or two that had gone black.

Whatever was in this pod was gone.

"Milo !! Get away from that pod" Mom's voice carried down the Cliffside into the jumble of broken and fallen trees. Startling him, causing him to nearly fall into the crater.

"Why would you chase that thing?" She shouted, her ears sticking skyward in anger.
"I'm sure he was just curious" Angel spoke next, trying to soften the blows. Not part of our usual routine.
"Curious can get you killed" She sobbed. "Neither of you understand how quickly a situation can get out of hand"
"Sorry we aren't cool spys. Who understand such a dangerous lifestyle" With that he was gone, out the side window.
"Don't you dare" She hissed.
"He's just a boy mom. We didn't grow up with monsters sailing across the clouds. Our danger was a bedtime story."

Outside the favellas

"Always treating me like a child!" Milo huffed, retreating behind the next grouping of houses. Being the son of an officer of the law ment that if you ran away, you would be found before first suns.

Down below the favellas, Milo snaked in and out of the shadows. Watching ever so closely to the flight patterns of the watcher ships.

After night has fallen, the cops take to the sky. All gathering at different points around the spires. Keeping everyone safe and secure from anyone who might drop in from outside our universe.

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