Homeschooling with Frankenstein and first time walking

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3-year old Ae Cha...

"Alright what is the name of this shape and what colour is it?" asked Frankenstein to his now 3-year-old daughter Ae Cha that is now writing down everything that was on the board and answered, "The shape is a square and the colour of it is pink."

"Good, now Ae Cha," he started erasing the board he got from the teacher's aisle from the utensils market. He then cleared his throat and continued, "Now let's head to science."

And then, he checked the time as it was time for her medicine, Ae Cha took her pill and swallowed it while drinking her water bottle. Ae Cha, on the other hand, looked up at the time it was now 3:20 pm and she cleared her throat and Frankenstein asked, "Are you alright nothing wrong right?" as his tone was very worried about her well-being.

"No daddy is that it is soon going to be dinner and I just looked up some nutritious soup I would like to try since you gave me a great meal so pretty please I have the ingredients written down for you!" exclaimed Ae Cha with glee as she handed her dad paper that has all the ingredients they might need as he was examining it, he smiled and patted her head while saying, 

"Don't worry I will buy them for you and are you sure you want to stay here while I get it?"

He asked and then, she smiled, "Yes daddy I'm sure. Besides, I will put everything back as it was not to worry yourself."

"Alright I will be back and if you need anything else, call me from your mini phone okay?" he told me seriously. And I nodded as he then left.    

In the afternoon while Frankenstein left for the grocery store... 

I was currently drawing what my daddy told me to draw and it was flower patterns, daddy also said 'Drawing patterns will also strengthen your writing and drawing in details'. I still couldn't walk but I want to surprise dad when he comes home since he was getting the ingredients to make Galbitang (Korean soup looks edible when I was looking it up: A/N). It was currently 4: 30 pm, I only had an hour before he got home so come let's do this and I then got started. 

A few moments later...

Ae Cha's POV:

"Yes! Alright let try walking towards the exit," I said as I carefully walked forward but then, I fell forward but then I got up and started again. I started walking a few meters forward getting closer to the door and once I made it I turned around as I began to practice running but I tripped on my own feet but I never gave up. I continued until I got it right. And then, when I heard the door came to open as I heard,  

"I'm home and I am so sorry I had to leave you alone for a while," it was daddy's voice and that is when I started to run towards him and jump as I wrapped myself tight around his leg. He was surprised when he realized that I just run towards him in a tackle hug in the leg. His eyes sparkled to cry and said,  

"Y-Your first time running! Sweetie let's go to the living room so I could record you walking and running okay!"

I giggled at his reaction and smiled while saying, "Of course Daddy! Let's go! But first the groceries..."

I then raced to the bags carrying the fewer ones as my daddy carried the heavy ones and I hope I get to cherish more memories than I have now. He is the best daddy in the whole world, I could never ask for anyone else other than him and so I got into position to where I was once sitting drawing and then, he started recording me stand up and then, I smiled as I ran to the giant window screen where the afternoon sun is shown in front of myself and I looked back at daddy and said, "(giggling) Daddy look at the sky it is so pretty!"

And then, he said with a smile still recording, "It is and did you know that in the sky their rainbow spread their afternoon colours in the sky so it looks as pretty as you~" and then he started tickling me still holding the camera as I smile at him and said, "I love you, daddy, so much."

I hugged him tight on his leg as the camera got a closer look at my face and I really didn't mind because if I die tomorrow he will always watch me within the videos he has done so he could be happy once I am safe. 

"I love you too sweetie," said daddy with a smile on his face.

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Fairchild out~ 

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