Part twenty three: The big meetup.

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Third person view.
Allies perspective.


"Who the FUCK are you assholes!?" The small, black bear shouted to the pile of nations. Arthur looked over to the bear, glaring. Francis lifted his head, squeaking.

"Oh, what an adorable little bear! Come here~" He stretched out his arms. The bear curled back.

"Don't touch me you fucking bastard!" He yelled.

"Oh. Okay then." Francis pouted.

"I would like to find out why there are so many people on top of me, and why they are not getting off." Ivan stated, causing the group to crumble, and fall off him with grunts and hisses.

Arthur shook his head, looking back at the mirror.

"Fascinating..." He whispered, his hand going through the mirror. 

Then, a large shriek erupted from the back of the group. It was Francis.

"Ack- Francis?! What was that all about?!" Yao yelled.

"My hair is RUINED!" He yelled, staring at his reflection in the mirror. "Ugh, Russia have you no heart?!" He yelled, untying the ribbon his hair was in, and beginning to tie it again.

"I do. But it falls out sometimes." Ivan replied, smiling at him.

Arthur rolled his eyes, looking back down at Kuma. "So... Your name is...?"

Kuma slapped his paws down to the floor. "Why would I tell you?! You gotta tell me who you are first!"

Arthur scoffed. "Fine. I'm Arthur Kirkland. To my right is Yao Wang, next to him is Ivan Bra...Gonsk... No wait..."

"Braginski." Ivan muttered.

"Right. Ivan Braginski, and the tool fixing his mop is Francis Bonnefoy." Arthur finished up. "And, you are?"

"The name's Kuma. Now, I want to know why you're in my house." He glared at them.

Francis turned around. "Ah, we're in quite a predicament, little one. See, my little boy and Arthur's... Son. Have gone missing. We believe they came this way." He smiled. Arthur growled.

"Oh. You talkin' about Matthew and cow lick guy?" Kuma sat down.

"Ah, yes! I am! Do you have any idea where they might be?" Francis smiled, the team growing hopeful.

"Yeah. They're all in hospital."

"WHAT?!" Arthur yelled.

Kuma growled. "Quit your whining. They're okay. Cow lick was visiting Matthew because he got shot. No biggie."

As he finished his sentence, Francis whined. "Oh, my baby!" He yelled. "Papa's coming, just hold on!"

He tried, running out of the room, Ivan grabbing his arm.

"Hold up. There is something that is not making the sense. Why is he in hospital? He should have healed, yes?"

Kuma shook his head. "Not in this world."

"Thee bear's right. This place is weakening us. We can die in this realm. Be careful, all of you."

Francis whined. "Kuma, where's the hospital?!"

"Up the street. Take a right. Can't miss it." He shrugged.

"Merci beaucoup!" He yelled, struggling out of Ivan's grasp and running downstairs. The rest of them heard a door slam.

"And he's gone." Yao sighed. "We better follow him, then."


Matthew's P.O.V     ~~~~~~~~~~

"So, Alfred-"

"Yo! What's up creepy dude?" He laughed when Nikolai tried to talk to him.

"Listen. I said you could ride in the passenger seat if you shut the fuck up. So, kindly shut the fuck up." Nikolai growled. I was in the back of the van, along with Matt, Oliver, an angry Allen, and Yao. Yao was busy humming, Oliver beginning to read a book he had taken to the hospital. Out of nowhere, I heard Alfred scream.


Nikolai almost skidded. "What the FUCK." He yelled.

I peeked my head over so I could see what they they were doing. Alfred had his face pressed against the glass.

"One second!" He opened the door, hopping out. Nikolai was glaring at him.

"What the hell was that?!" Yao yelled.

"The idiot is doing something... With a blonde guy. They're hugging. And screaming."

My eyes widened. "It couldn't be..." I whispered. Matt looked at me, confused. I stood up quickly, opening the back of the van and hopping out. As I turned the corner, I saw him.


As soon as his eyes met mine, he darted over to me like a speeding train or something. He was shouting loudly as he glomped me, almost sending me to the ground. I felt tears coming quick as I hugged him back.

"Oh, Matthiew! I was so WORRIED!" He yelled. Now, people were getting curious and sticking there heads out of the van to stare. Looking over Francis's shoulder, I saw a confused Matt.

"P-Papa..." I whimpered. I saw Matt's eyes widen in realization.

"Are you okay?! I heard you got shot and I-"

"Papa, I'm fine..." I whispered.

"Oh, thank God." He replied, not letting go. I then realized that we weren't alone. Alfred, Allen, Matt, Yao, Oliver and Nikolai were watching us. I didn't care. I missed my father. So much... As he let go, I noticed some familiar faces turning the corner.

Arthur, Yao, and Ivan. They all came for me! So they do know who I am!

The group sped up when they saw me and Francis, but slowed down when they saw the rest of our group. Friendly smiles quickly turned into hostile glares.

Uh oh.

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