Part eighteen: Not so good news.

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Third person view


"Ah- Matt... You're hurting me..." Matthew muttered, having almost had the life squeezed out of him as Matt hugged him. Matt let go, as Matthew tilted his bandaged head, noticing his eyes were watering. He smiled instantly, a faint blush appearing on his face.

"Sorry... I just... I was worried..." Matt whispered as he looked down, the memories of Matthew taking a bullet for him flooding back into his mind. Matthew seemed confused at this. Why would he be worried about him? I mean, he had just done what he had seemed to be right. The door slowly opened, a man in a white coat stepping into the room, looking at Matthew and smiling. He walked over, a clipboard in hand, as Matt backed away, making Matthew frown.

"Ah, hello. I'm glad you're awake, Mr. Williams. I'm your personal nurse." The man said with a smile. Matthew nodded, and looked at his appearance. He was well kept, and seemed to be a good person. "You see, we couldn't inform you a while ago, due to your unconsciousness, but it seems as though you'll have to undergo another surgery." He began writing on his clipboard.

Matthew's face dropped. "A-Another surgery...?"

He nodded slowly. Matt glared at the nurse, as he looked back at Matthew.

"It won't take long. And it's minor. So, almost no risks. Don't worry."

Matthew nodded again. "So, when do we start?" He looked up at him.

"In an hour. I'm glad you woke up as soon as you did. If you hadn't, we couldn't have been able to operate on you." He smiled, and after a moment of silence, he left the room.


Sorry about the short chapter guys. But hey, it's better than nothing, right? Anyway, expect more updates soon on both of my stories. I got some free time for a while.


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