Part seven: Matt-Napped

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Matthew's P.O.V


I woke up, the only thing I could see was dark. I tried to sit up, feeling a sharp pain in my chest. I looked towards my chest, not seeing anything. Now I was scared. I had no idea where I was, and I don't remember much from what happened earlier. Trying to bring my hands up to my eyes, I realized I was bound tightly.

"Aah. You're awake." A voice purred to me. This wasn't Olivers or Matt's. I gulped, beads of sweat dripping down my brow.

"Where... Where am I?!" I yelled, pulling at my rope bound hands.

"Stop being so loud!" The person growled, kicking me in the stomach. I yelped, realizing how strong they we're. I stopped moving around immediately.

"Oh... You're obedient, huh?" The person muttered. "Good dogs get rewarded." He hissed, removing what seemed like a blindfold.

I blinked a few times trying to make out where I was. It was still dark out, and I seemed to be in a car. I looked at my chest, noticing a large shard of glass jotting from my chest. Looking up at the man, I began panicking.

"Who are y-you...?" I asked to the man. He had blond, slicked back hair, and a large jagged scar swiping along his face. His eyes glowed a bright purple, but were slightly shielded by a hat he wore.

"The name's Lutz." He said, grinning slightly.

I gulped, looking back at the glass.

"Sorry about the glass. You know Oliver, yeah?"

I nodded. "He drugged me..."

He began laughing. "Well it's okay now. We attacked Oliver, but he got away. You, he left in his car."

"W-We...?" I looked at the drivers seat, noticing a small man, with long, white hair tied back in a ponytail. He had a glove or something on his arm.

"Oh, that's Wolfgang, my brother. Yeah, while we we're fighting Oliver, Wolfgang broke a window. We're going to get some help now."

I nodded. "Uh... Why am I bound like this?"

"Because you're our prisoner."

"Oh. My chest hurts."

"Yeah, Luciano will fix that in a bit."

I didn't ask any more questions, I just looked out the window, as the car pulled into a large driveway.

"We're here." Lutz muttered, grabbing my shirt collar, only to be stopped by Wolfgang's hand. I looked at it closer. It wasn't a glove... It was a prosthetic arm.

I looked at him, as he glared at Lutz, who let go.

"Fine, fine... You found him. You can take him in..."

Wolfgang left the car, helping me out of one side. I groaned because of my chest, but ignored it, as Wolfgang led me into a large, warehouse looking building.

As I walked inside, I realized how desolate it was. A large open space, with nothing inside. Lutz pushed me into a small door at the end of a hall, and unable to stop my fall, I flopped onto my side, wary of the glass.

"Well, well. What did the cat drag in?"

I looked up to see another blond man, wearing a white suit, and blue scarf. He picked me up by my shoulders, quickly dropping me when he saw the glass in my chest.

"Eugh! I almost got bloody! Lutz, what's this?!"

I frowned, now on my knees.

"We found him in Oliver's car after we ambushed him. He might be good for blackmail, hm Flavio?" Lutz said, looking at the man.

"Hey, Luci?! Your bitch found something!" He shouted to a small man who was talking to another at a table. The brown haired man stood up, as he walked over to me.

"Lutz. What's up with his chest?"

"He got impaled with glass."

I looked over at Lutz, before feeling a sharp and quick burning feeling where the glass should be. Glancing down, I realized that Luciano had pulled it out.

"Kuro. K'mere."

I hissed, falling onto my side, blood now dripping from my wound. A small, black haired person wearing a long dark purple cloak strolled over to me.

I looked up at him, glaring slightly.

"He'll live if you treat it."

Luciano nodded at Wolfgang, who quickly left the room. I felt Lutz's hands grab me, as he dragged me over to a wooden chair, propping me up straight. I looked down, not comfortable with all these people looking at me. I sighed quietly, before Lutz began taking off my shirt.

"What are you doing?!" I hissed at him.

I saw Luciano nod once, watching me closely.

Suddenly, Lutz slapped my face, catching me unaware. I stumbled off the chair, standing up, my hands still bound. Lutz grinned slightly, charging at me. I nimbly hopped aside, outstretching my leg and tripping him up. He fell to the floor, and as soon as he tried getting up, I smashed my foot down on his back. He yelled out in what I think was German, as I sat on his back to keep him still.

"Good dogs get rewarded." I hissed. "But bad dogs get punished."

Lutz stayed still, more embarrassed than in pain. I looked up at Luciano, who was smiling slightly.

"Well done... Wolfgang." Luciano muttered, as Wolfgang walked over to me, pulling me off Lutz, now with a box in his hand.

I pulled against him, but he sat me down on the same chair, removing my shirt completely. I growled quietly as he opened the box, taking out a bottle of cream. Looking over at Lutz who was being pulled up by Flavio. He kept his eyes fixed on me, in an angry glare.

"Bastard..." I heard him growl at me, Wolfgang wrapping a long cloth over my chest. I glared back, now feeling very unsure of all the nations staring at me. Wolfgang stood me up, his prosthetic hand cold on my back.

"Watch it..." I growled. I know I was outnumbered, but if anyone started something, I wouldn't let them walk all over me. Wolfgang looked at Luciano, doing something with his hand. Luciano nodded.

I glared, as Wolfgang grabbed my arm, dragging me away from the group. I tried fighting back, realizing the cream he rubbed on my chest made me stiff. He led me down a staircase, to a small cell.

"How cliché." I growled, glaring at him.

He frowned, untying my arms and shoving me into the cell, locking the door with a silver key he shoved in his pocket. He gave one last look at me, before walking upstairs, and shutting a door, the only light source being a small candle in the corner of the room. I held my breath, standing up and walking over to a small bed in the corner of the room.

"What if Matt gets hurt by these people... Will it be my fault?"

I couldn't shake it from my head, the thoughts creeping in from the back of my head. I blamed this whole thing on myself... And if anything happened to Matt, it would be all on me.



Took a while, apologies.


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