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Jaehyun P.O.V

Jaehyun squinted his eyes as he woke up. Taeyong's room was a lot brighter than his in the morning. He shifted a little to grab his phone from the desk, It was around 11:30. Taeyong had a deathly grip around his body, his arms and legs were securely wrapped between Jaehyuns. He moved again to put his phone back on the desk.

Taeyong whined when he felt Jaehyun moving away from him and held him closer. Jaehyun blushed, he wasn't used to being held by another; it felt nice though.

"Noo ~don't get up yet, I'm comfortable" Taeyong spoke softly.

Jaehyun looked at him, he was pouting even though his eyes were closed. Jaehyun scooted closer to his face. He rubbed his and Taeyongs noses together, Jaehyuns heart felt warm seeing the other smile, carefully opening his boba eyes.

"Goodmorning" Jaehyun whispered, giving him another eskmo kiss.

"Morning" he smiled, "Jaehyunnie can we do something fun today since we don't have to study?".

"Of course, maybe we can go to my cafe, would you want to bubu?"

"Yes, very much" he nodded his head.

Jaehyun got up from the bed, then turned to Taeyong patting his head.

"You can get dressed and I'll ask Johnny if you can".

"Okie" Taeyong gave him a thumbs up.

'How is he so cute' Jaehyun thought as he shut his door leaving Taeyong to change. Johnny was making his coffee in the kitchen, Ten must still be sleeping. Jaehyun gave a quick good morning before asking the question.

"Can I take Taeyong to my cafe today?"

It was kind of weird for him to ask his best friend if he could take someone out, but it is his younger brother, not that it's a date. Is it? Well maybe...

Johnny drank his coffee and set it down dramatically making Jaehyun nervous, he was totally doing it on purpose.

"Sure why not" he finally said, "It would be good for Taeyong to get outside".

Jaehyun smiled at him thankfully. Taeyong then came into the room, wearing short black shorts, mint green shirt, along with a white Koongya rice ball backpack. Jaehyun would rather him not wear the short shorts, he didn't want people staring at him but he can't tell Taeyong what to wear.

"I'm ready to go" Taeyong gripped his backpack strings.

"Ok, we just have to stop at my house first".


They walked to Jaehyun's house together, it wasn't that far away from Johnny's. Jaehyun wanted to take a quick shower. Both of them were surprised by the sight they saw when they walked into Jaehyuns house.

Haechan was sitting on Marks lap as he played a game on his nintendo, while Mark had his face snuggled in his neck ( I swear I put Markhyuck in all of my books lol) When the two noticed their presences Haechan was the first to get off Marks lap. He hugged Taeyong happily.

"Taeyongie I missed you so much! How are you?".

"Haechannie, I missed you too" he hugged back.

"You know Taeyong?" Jaehyun asked.

Haechan stopped hugging him and looked at Jaehyun smiling.

"Yeah he used to be in my dance class but stopped coming a year ago, I watch him with Mark now sometimes".

"You can dance?" Jaehyun raised his eyebrow.

"Y-yeah I used too" he blushed.

"Can you show me sometime?" he said hopefully.

Taeyong nodded his head cheerfully. Mark came behind Haechan resting his arms on his shoulders.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"Can't I be at my house?".

Mark rolled his eyes, Jaehyun knew that's not what he was asking.

"Jaehyunnies taking me to his cafe," Taeyong said proudly, like it was some sort of accomplishment.

Haechan gasped and grabbed Marks arm, shaking him.

"I wanna go too, please, let's go".

"Yeah, sounds cool" he smiled sweetly at him then back at Jaehyun, "When are you going?"

Taeyong looked up at him curiously.

"Just gotta take a shower quick then we can go".

Jaehyun told Taeyong that he wouldn't be long and went upstairs.

Taeyong P.O.V

Taeyong sat on the couch bored, Jaehyun had told him to wait downstairs but it had already been 8 minutes. He didn't like being away from him this long. Mark must have noticed because he patted his shoulder.

"His room is upstairs on the left if you want to wait up there" he pointed up the stairs.

"Won't Jaehyunnie get mad at me for being in his room without asking?" he said worried.

"Think of it as a surprise" he winked.

"A surprise?"

"Trust me, Jaehyun will be very happy to see you in there after his shower".

Taeyong got up and happily went into Jaehyun's room. Jaehyun's room was very clean but not as bright as Taeyongs, it was dark and brown but still pretty in it's own way. Taeyong looked around curiously smelling the air, it smelt like a peach candle and Jaehyun.

He went over to his bed and smoothed his hands gently over the sheets.

"This is where Jaehyunnie sleeps" he whispered out loud.

He noticed the clothes on the bed, he picked up the black shirt scrunching his face at the words in white, "Cigerettes After Sex" the sentence sounded werid when you said outloud but also really cool Taeyong thought. He sniffed the shirt thinking it was going to smell like cigarettes. To his surprise it just smelt fresh and a little like Jaehyun, sweet and manly.

An idea popped into his mind. He sat on Jaehyun's bed and took off his mint green hoodie and threw the large shirt over himself. He lifted it up to his nose and inhaled the scent, giggling to himself.

"This doesn't smell like cigarettes at all" he smiled

He rolled onto his side hugging the covers, the whole bed smelt strongly of Jaehyun. Although he felt a little creepy, he couldn't help it, Jaehyun's scent was so relaxing, he could lay in his bed all day.

"It feels like Jaehyunnies hugging me~" he said out loud laughing.

"Should I just give you my shirts instead of cuddles now?".

Taeyong squeaked at the deep, gentle voice behind him. Jaehyun was leaning against the door, with a towel around his waist, hair wet and he had abs. Taeyong almost passed out at his hotness. His heart was beating too fast.

"Jae-Jaehyun" is all he managed to say, his face a crimson red.

"It's ok, continue, you're fun to watch" he said with a sly grin.

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