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Taeyong P.O.V

Taeyong was beyond excited, today was the day of the festival. Before performing he walked around with Jaehyun to see what everyone was doing. Jungwoo, Yuta, and Taeil were on the soccer team, they were serving little cake pops that looked like soccer balls. Jeno and Mark helped with the hockey team, giving out little hockey games to people who could hit the ball into a cup. Chenle and Haechan were a part of the singing/acting club they were also participating a bit in Romeo and Juliet later. Winwin tagged around Doyoung who was around checking every club's booth making sure everything was going smoothly. Taeyong and Jaehyun were currently visiting Renjun and Jisungs booth. They were a part of the art club, they were face painting everyone. Taeyong was a bit upset because he couldn't get face paint.

"What's up Yongie?" Jaehyun asked concern.

"I'm just sad I can't get my face painted."

"Don't worry Taeyongie, I'll paint your face after your performance." Renjun smiled at him before Jaehyun could try to console him.

Taeyong hugged the younger boy happily, then turned back to Jaehyun.

"Hyunnie should get something."

"Oh-I don't know-"

"Yeah, Hyunnie get something." Jaemin grinned.

He wasn't in the art club he was only there to help assist, Jisung and Renjun. Mainly Renjun.

"Ok, I'll get it on my neck or something."

Jisung was already working on someone else, so Renjun decided to do it.

"What do you want?"


Taeyong blushed as he stared at him.

"What do you think Bubu?"

"Uh-um-maybe a peach."

"A peach it is."

Jaehyun dimple smiled. Taeyong loved his dimples his expression was usually stern but not in a bad way, just overly calm, but when he dimple smiled his face gets all squishy like bread. It's very cute.

Once they were done, Jaehyun grabbed his hand while telling him that he should start getting ready. They went behind the stage to see everyone getting it ready for the performance. Taeyong spotted Kai stretching in the corner, he ran towards him, Jaehyun not too far behind.

"Innie!" he gave him a friendly hug, "Are you excited."

"Very-" he looked at Jaehyun as they hugged, "Jaehyun I'm excited for you to see the performance to especially a certain part."

Taeyong watched helplessly confused at the two boys who were glaring at each other but at the same time smiling.

"Taeyong, we need you to get into your costume!" Taemin called for him.


He turned to the two smiling. He kissed Jaehyun on the lips.

"If you get nervous just look at me I'll be in the front row."

He nodded his head, filled with support. As he left he felt like he was forgetting something. He went into his dressing room and changed into his outfit, and got his hair and make-up done. It was about time for him to go on stage soon, he still felt like he was forgetting something. He thought and thought.

"Ah" he gasped out loud.

He never told Jaehyun about the kiss scene. He went to go find him but-

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