Twenty-Seven (End)

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^^I love how pouty and little Taeyong gets around  Jaehyun, he's so comfortable 🥺

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^^I love how pouty and little Taeyong gets around  Jaehyun, he's so comfortable 🥺

When I look at you I see the past, present, and future all at once. I wish I was with you in the beginning, at least I'm here with you now, I promise I'll always be with you in the future.

You have become my heart.

It's a strange feeling...even though it's still beating within in me, it belongs only to you. Somehow you're able to fill it with more love every moment we're together.

I wish there was a way to go beyond infinity.

Even though I've stared at you countless times I can't help but be mesmerized.

Your beauty stuns me every time. Those beautiful, bright, brown orbs of yours contain nothing but purity. You're able to look at everything with the sweetest gaze.

You choose to see the best in people, even the vilest of creatures.

It doesn't matter if you are mad, scared, or nervous. Your expression is still slightly the same.

I sense this hopefulness in you that makes me fall in love over and over again.

I love you, I love you, I love you, I'll never stop speaking these three words to you.

I promise.

Jaehyun zoned out as he stared at Taeyong. The boy took his breath away. There were two more weeks until graduation and a lot has happened. He got accepted to many universities and even a business opportunity. Taeyong also got accepted to go to school somewhere but decided to stay at home. He wanted to do schooling online and run the cafe. See he had started working at another cafe close to where Jaehyun used to work. It was run by an old married couple who grew very fond of Taeyong. Unfortunately, the husband had passed away so the old woman was left alone, she had asked Taeyong if he would be able to take over for the husband. It was a lot of responsibility to just dump on him but Taeyong gladly agreed.

Jaehyuns decided to do online schooling as well and only go on the campus once a week. He said yes to the job offer at a famous company called SM, he was actually very knowledgeable in how business goes, his father was the head of Candylab. He had taught him a thing or two.

He and Taeyong had started visiting the orphanage around four times a week after hearing they don't get many visitors. They were actually there right now. Seulgi (the head lady) had told them they were running low on funds and needed the children to be adopted soon, otherwise, they would be forced to relocate to a bad orphanage on the other side of town. Taeyong didn't take that news very well. Jaehyun didn't either. They had gotten very attached to these children, two in particular.

Taeyong was reading Alice in wonderland to Seungmin. Minho was laying in Jaehyuns lap already fast asleep while, the other kids were playing outside with some of their friends who came along with them today ( Yuta, Winwin, Johnny, Mark, Mina, Chaeyoung, Sana, and Dahyun).

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