Chapter 1

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Tobey sat in his Torino at the starting grid, he was really nervous, he could take home five grand, but he could also lose his life.  He looked to his right, where a girl in a yellow Porsche 944 S from 1987 was holding the steering wheel in a nervous way. In front of him he had Pete in his Camaro. He closed his eyes and took some deep breaths. You can do this. His mind echoed. But Jimmy in his Pontiac GTO was not to play around with.

Joe stood at the truck with Finn, Kion and Fuli.

"Do you think Tobey's gonna win." Fuli asked as she kissed Kion on the mouth.

"I know he's gonna, that Jimmy dude sure looks like a good driver, but it's hard to find a good rival to Tobey, if he get to race in DeLeon in two years like I'm gonna do, then I'm afraid of the second place." Kion necked with Fuli.

"Ok, love birds, you might wanna check the screen, because soon it'll be show time." Joe said, he got a signal from his walkie-talkie.

"Beauty, are the roads locked down?"

"All the roads are locked down, Liar1." Joe said.

"Here we go again." Benny rolled his eyes while he sat in the plane.

"I wouldn't have to use that codename if you stopped telling people you flew Apache Helicopters." Joe teased.

"Hey, I took an Apache for a joyride, that's all I'm saying." Benny said.

"We know that's what you said, we just don't believe you." 

"Hey, man, look, just because I'm a crew chief doesn't mean I don't know how to fly. You gotta have balls of titanium to do what I do. So I need a little respect. A little R-E-S-P-E-C-T." Benny said.

"Ok, enough messing around, what's your status, Liar1?" Joe chuckled a bit.

"Clear, and this is Maverick, call me "Maverick", or I will kamikaze into your nutsack."

"Oh, Benny's a little upset, I hear." Kion joked. But he got quiet pretty quickly, because Dino came all of a sudden.

"Mind if I watch?" He pointed to the screen on the truck that showed live footage from Tobey's car.

Pete looked at the GTO beside his car, as soon as the train came, the race would start, the start was probably the most dangerous part of the race, they had to get past the train and not get hit, it was all about speed, sure, you could wait until the train had passed, but then you wouldn't have a chance keeping up with your opponents. And then, behind Jimmy's car, he saw the train, now it was really close to the start of the race. The train would let out a loud honk soon, how they knew? It was right before a railroad crossing, without barriers, it was for safety reasons. However, the train honked, it was time for racing. All five cars accelerated, Tobey saw how the train got closer to the intersection, he would either be smashed to death by a train or just miss it, but it was a chance he had to take, otherwhise he wouldn't have a workshop in a few weeks. 

"Ok, gentlemen, we now have the Camaro in first place, the GTO in second place, the Torino in third place, the 944 in fourth place and the 2800 in fifth place." Benny said as he watched down on the streets. 

He saw how the Chevrolet, the Pontiac, the Ford and the Porsche managed to get by the train, the BMW however, didn't make it in time and was forced to wait. The four cars that was still active in the race took a sharp left, where the Pontiac got past Pete.

"Damn, I was just going to say it went good for Pete." Kion said.

"It's not over yet." Joe said without taking his eyes off the screen.

"Ok, gentlemen, please be advised, we got traffic ahead, repeat, traffic ahead." Benny said.

Jimmy was the first in the intersection but got past without any bigger problems. Pete met with a Ford Crown Victoria but managed to get past it, Tobey didn't see the Volvo 850 coming at him, but he managed to dodge it. 

"Close, he got lucky." Dino said.

"It's not luck, he's patient." Joe said, 100% focused on the race. the girl in the Porsche crashed into the Volvo that Tobey dodged. three of five cars were still active in the race. They zoomed through alleys and main roads. on a main road they saw a street cleaning truck, Jimmy got past it, but Tobey was in the same lane as the truck.

"Sorry, little buddy." Tobey said and cut off Pete, it was either that or lose the race. They went in to another alley. It was really bumpy, Tobey was going to get the springs checked on his Torino and Pete's Camaro after this. They were almost out of the last alley, then it was just straight road to the finish. But right before Tobey exited the alley a guy with a grocery cart filled with plastic bags crossed the road.

"Woah!" He said in surprise, he hit the cart, luckily, the homeless dude was unharmed but also furious, he ran out on the street. "MY HOUSE!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!?!" He yelled after the three cars that sped off at full speed.

"BENNY!!!" Tobey yelled in his walkie-talkie in a You-should-have-warned-me-about-him-way.

"You just bodied that guy's grocery cart." Benny laughed. 

Tobey was focused on the road now, because now it was only a short distance left, he saw a tunnel, at the end of that tunnel the finish line was, he was right beside Jimmy.

"C'mon, Tobey, bro, you can do this." Kion whispered to himself as he watched the screen in awe.

Tobey was so nervous at this point so he had trouble keeping the car straight, but he was in the tunnel, along with Jimmy. Now this had turned into a drag race, but Tobey's Torino was a little faster than Jimmy's GTO, and that was everything he needed to win.

DeLeon (A Need For Speed Movie X The Lion Guard crossover) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now