Chapter 1

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TW: abuse, slight vulgar language

Oikawa's backstory

His Pov:

I never really looked forward to coming home after school not wanting to hear the same  2 words over and over again.

                                              " You're useless"

I had 2 best friends back in high school, one of them being named Iwaizumi or "Iwa-chan" as I like to call him because I though it was cute. I like him. Iv'e always liked him ever since but I never had the courage to tell him anything because I was to scared to open up about my feeling towards him. 

Most people never liked the thought of someone liking the same gender. It was mostly that way and my parents happened to be one of them. Of course I didn't come out to them but I felt as if it would never help my situation.

Oh yeah, back to my problem!

My parents had always had high expectations for me and my sister. Yes, I have a younger sister who is 1 year and a half younger than me. Tall genes ran through along my dad's side of the family but my sister got my mom's short genes. Thankfully I got my dad's.

I was in my second year of high school and she was in her first

My parents had wanted her to become a model and she successfully started fulfilling our parents expectations. 

For me, our parents wanted me to become a professional volleyball player. I had always liked volleyball ever since I was in middle school which was when I meet Iwaizumi so I thought it wouldn't really be a problem taking the professional route. We joined the school volleyball team together and won a lot of matches but seemed to always lose to this one school.


Everything seemed okay in middle school but soon after everything went down hill in the middle of the year during my first year of high school at Aoba Johsai which me and Iwa-chan attended together as well.

I had injured my knee.

During a match, I had landed on my knee which caused a tear in my knee. It took months for it to heal and I thought as soon as it did i'll be able to play again. But that wasn't the case.

My parents has become furious that I had messed up my chance to become a professional player. They forcefully took me off the seijoh volleyball team claiming that I was a dragging everyone down with me. They'd constantly tell me how useless I am and how my sister who was in fact younger than me is doing way better than I am. 

That time I wasn't really brave enough to stand up for myself so I'd sit there in my "special corner" as my parents liked to call it and they'd constantly hit me. Mostly my dad. He had some problems in his job and usually drank a lot resulting in him becoming abusive. My mom on the other hand was more of the type to verbally abuse me. Calling me names, swearing at me and so on. 

I hadn't really understand why they were so angry at me when it wasn't even my fault. I was always respectful to my parents and did everything they asked me to do. But of course not all families are happy together as they seem on the outside.

This had gone on for months and I was slowly losing it. My mind had always went to the thought of calling the police on them but I never had the courage to which led me to talking to someone about it. 

Here comes in my other best friend I had mentioned which we still our to this day. Miya Atsumu. 

We had meet at the training camp during our first year of high school and soon clicked. He lived in Hyogo while I lived in Miyagi so meeting up in person wasn't really an option for us but we always talked to each other over the phone. He had a similar situation to me so we were always able relate to each other and help each other out. If one of us were really breaking down the other would talk them down mostly all night and so on so fourth.

You may be asking why I didn't go to Iwaizumi or my sister for help. 


My sister was a spoiled little bitch, a liar and a manipulator. She was also apart of the reason why I had ran away from home. 

You see, me and Iwa-chan were always together. Like I mean we were basically one. Even though he was rude to me, he genuinely showed care for me through his actions. My sister had liked him for quite a while and was jealous of me because her and Iwa-chan weren't as close and me and him were. She'd always lie to my parents about how I had beaten her up or broken her belongings which was obviously a lie because she used makeup to make bruises which were not even that believable but my parents said other wise and she had stolen things from this one girl she hated at school and broken them, than showing it to our parents claiming it was hers. My parents who liked her more than me, defended her not even wanting to hear my side of the story and began to be even more abusive towards me. 

With Iwa-chan, even though we were so close I just felt like I was a burden towards him and that I was "dragging" him down with me as my parents would always say. So that lead me to not opening up to him and the fact that I loved him didn't help either. 

Soon around April of our second year of high school, me and Atsumu had a plan to runaway to Tokyo together and start a new life alongside each other. The night of the runaway, I had packed up all my things in my backpack and suitcase. I grabbed all my important pictures I had on my desk of me and Iwa-chan and my phone as well. The hardest part was sending the last goodbye message to Iwa-chan before deleting his contact and sneaking into my parents bedroom to grab a shit ton of money, my identification and health card but that worked fine. The time was around 4 am which was the time we decided to meet at the train station. We bought tickets to Tokyo which was the place we were starting are new life.  Together.

This story is kind of wild but also taken up on a serious topic.

Next is Atsumu's backstory which i just wanna give to you guys so you understand the story better. After that is the main story with everyone including Suga, Akaashi, Kenma and Tendou. 

The other tops/boys come in later on :)

~ Sato

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