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3Rd persons pov
December 19, sunday

Billie: uhm-Billie lightly moaned before yawning and turning around looking for Brandon but not feeling him in the bed with her, wich made her open her eyes and frown-Que?-she shouted but got no answer making her start standing up, immediately hissing from how sore she felt. She slowly walked towards the bathroom, peeing, taking a quick hot shower and then getting dressed in random pajamas-Brandon?-she shouted again, now getting out of her bedroom and seeing a dressed and showered Brandon too, making what it seemed to be breakfast-good morning-she yawned again, hugging him from behind

Brandon: good morning-he said continuing to make the waffles

Billie: waffles, yummy-Billie said once she saw what he was cooking

Brandon: your mom called, said she would get the kids home after dinner so you can take the day to yourself

Billie: okay-she softly said-is everything okay?-she said looking up at him

Brandon: yep, why wouldn't it be?-he said making her frown. She could just tell something was up

Billie: alright-she slowly nodded before getting on her tippy toes and kissing his head-do you need help?

Brandon: not really-he shook his head-I left you a yogurt in your nightstand, not sure if you saw it, I'm making the waffles already, I got everything in control, you can go back to bed-he said making her nod turning around and going to her bedroom, now noticing the yogurt placed on her nightstand. Before taking it, she made her bed and got all of their clothes out of the floor, putting it in the dirty clothes basket-here you go-Brandon said coming into the bedroom with waffles, cake, water and juice

Billie: thank you-Billie said putting her phone to the side and starting to eat with him. There was a clear tension and awkwardness in the air that was really bothering Billie-did I do something yesterday? You're acting weird and don't say you're not-she said looking at him as she ate her waffles

Brandon: you said something that I don't think sober Billie wanted me to know-he said starting to eat his waffles as well

Billie: what did I say?

Brandon: we'll talk about it later-he said starting to drink from his juice

Billie: Que you're worrying me, what did I say?-she asked again making him shake his head-just tell me, you're gonna make me feel anxious the whole day

Brandon: lets at least finish breakfast-he said getting a bite off of his waffle

Billie: did I say that I loved you?-she asked seeing him shake his head once again-can you please tell me? I'm going crazy Que-she said seeing him sigh, finishing his waffle, taking a sip of his juice and then looking up at her

Brandon: "Pull out, I don't need you to get me pregnant AGAIN"-he said emphasizing the word "Again"

Billie: what?-Billie frowned finishing her waffles

Brandon: you told me that last night while we were fcking-he said making Billies face expression change from confusion to worry

Billie: what are you trying to say?-she asked starting to drink her juice as she played dumb

Brandon: Cora and Maddie are my kids aren't they?

Billie: no-she quickly shook her head-they're not-she said continuing to drink her juice-we've had this convo a hundred times already-she said

Brandon: and we'll continue to have it till you say the truth cuz we both know that ain't the truth-Brandon said starting to drink his water

Billie: Brandon stop it, they're not your kids and I don't want to have to repeat this everytime

Brandon: Billie they were literally born around 7 months after I left and I know they were not premature babies so unless you cheated on me back there, they are my kids-he said-besides the fact that they have features of mine, skin color, curly hair and I saw Maddies birth sign in her tight, the same birth sign as me and in the same spot

Billie: you left! You don't know sht about my life after that-Billie shouted standing up and getting out of the bedroom, Brandon following

Brandon: then tell me! Prove me wrong! Because besides all I just told you, there's still the fact that apparently nobody knows who's their father and you ain't a hoe, I'm almost a 100% sure you didn't hoe around when I left and-

Billie: I want you to leave my house!-Billie shouted opening the door

Brandon: and now you tell me that you don't want me to get you pregnant AGAIN-he emphasized the "Again" again-just tell me-

Billie: LEAVE-Billie screamed this time, closing her eyes as she started  breathing heavy

Brandon: I want a blood test-he said before grabbing his phone and keys that were placed in the kitchen island, leaving-I tried doing this the nice way but if you don't want to cooperate then we're gonna do this in not the most pleasing way because I don't want to loose this many years in my daughters life and-before he could finish his sentence, Billie slammed the door in his face as she saw her hands shake and her vision start to get blurry from the tears that were formed in her eyes

She slowly walked back to her bedroom, getting her phone and calling one of the only people that stood with her through everything, the person that made her know the meaning of "Ride or die"

Call between Billie and Finneas
Finneas: hey dummy, what's up?-Finneas said once he answered the phone call

Billie: can you come here?-she said trying not break down

Finneas: yes, I'm coming-Finneas said immediately noticing something was wrong, and even though he was alone with his kids, he quickly called his neighbor and friend, asking her to watch the kids for awhile while he had to go somewhere. After about 30 minutes, Finneas knocked on the apartment door seeing Billie almost immediately open it

Finneas: what's wrong?-he asked pulling her into a hug as soon as he saw the heavy tears in her eyes. That hug made Billie break down, letting the tears and nervousness leave her body-it's okay-he rubbed her back, closing the door with his foot-whatever it is, it'll be okay, I'm right here and I love you-he whispired caressing her back and head.

A/n: wrote this while on my way to school, hopefully there's mo misspelled words 😀

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