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3Rd person's pov

brandon: maddie said she saw you crying on the phone with finneas, i don't know if you were crying because of our fight but i want you to know that i'm here for you and and you can always count on me-he whispered in the hug

billie: i thought you were mad-she said hugging him back

brandon: i am-he paused-but i also understand you cuz i'm sure it wasn't easy for you either, alone with two kids while you were barely 18

billie: i really am sorry que, i didn't know what to do and i was scared of your reaction and your dad's reaction

brandon: that's okay, i would be mad at my dad's reaction too-he said making both of them chuckle

billie: btw-billie said pulling out of the hug-i'm sorry about cora, i'll make sure to talk to her later-she said making brandon nod

brandon: that's okay, don't worry about it, i just don't want you to force her or sum-he said making billie nod-another thing, maddie said she wants to spend christmas with both of us

billie: i mean, sure-billie shrugged

brandon: but if you don't want-

billie: it's not that, i just have never spent christmas away from them but it's fine, you can stay a few hours with her and then i stay the other hours with her

brandon: no, she wants to spend christmas with both of us, like at the same time

billie: oh-billie said realizing what he meant-are you okay with that? spending christmas with me?

brandon: yes? let's just get over that fight, it's not doing good to anybody, including the kids

billie: okay, this year christmas is at finneas' house, you, gawa and prince are all invited, i'll send you their address

brandon: okay that sounds good to me, then i guess, see you on christmas?

billie: see you on christmas-billie smiled making brandon smile back starting to turn around to leave

brandon: wait wait wait-he stopped her from closing the door-forgot to ask, what do they like? i wanted to give them something

billie: you don't have to, those two are spoiled enough by me and my parents

brandon: who said i don't wanna spoil them too?-he asked making billie chuckle shaking her head

billie: cora likes black and pink, monster high, cars, planes, trains, basically action, velocity, height-she said making brandon nod-maddie likes baby pink, barbie, anything related to dancing or singing, likes writing, reading, painting, she adores painting, she's basically the artist one

brandon: okay got it, thank you-he said-bye-he waved before finally leaving

billie: omg maddie!-billie said when she turned around and saw maddie standing there

maddie: i heard you talking about me, what was it about-she asked giving billie puppy eyes

billie: nothing, cmon, you gotta go to bed-billie chuckled walking towards her

december 24, sunday

maddie: mama who's gonna be there?-maddie asked as billie drove towards finneas' house

billie: grandma and grandpa, aunt claudia and finneas, prince, gawa, kin, pepper, shark, peaches, que and-

maddie: dad is gonna be there?-she shouted excited

cora: stop shouting in my ear!-cora shouted too

maddie: i didn't shout in your ear-maddie said

billie: enough guys-billie said-and yes maddie, que will be there-she answered-and cora be nice to que okay?-she said seeing cora nod from the mirror


cora: grandpa!-cora ran to hug patrick as soon as he opened the door for them

patrick: hi my princesses-patrick hugged her back, pulling maddie into the hug as well-come on, everyone is waiting on you girls-he said making the girls nod running in

billie: did u know that i am your daughter? not them-billie said as she walked in closing the door behind her

patrick: really? wasn't much aware of that-patrick said with his hands over his hips-come here-he pulled her into a hug-i would never forget you-he said caressing her back and then kissing her head-now come on, cuz you girls are late

billie: i know-billie chuckled, finally looking at everybody in there, she could see finneas and gawa chat as they drank something, while cora and kin where near the christmas tree, probably trying to figure out the gifts. Then she saw prince running after peaches and shark, while pepper simply observed the other dogs with a judging face. Claudia and maggie where no where to be seen and brandon was sitting on the couch by maddie's side, they were smiling and talking

patrick: they seem to get along pretty well-patrick said looking at brandon and maddie too

billie: yep-billie nodded-maddie loves him, cora on the other hand, is not that interested on him being her dad, she was hoping it was denzel

patrick: denzel?-patrick laughed knowing how much denzel and billie were like siblings

billie: anyways, where's mom and claudia?

patrick: kitchen

billie: i'm gonna go there say hi-she said before leaving, going to the kitchen where she saw maggie and claudia laugh as they seemed to be cooking-why isn't your husband here helping miss sulewski?-she said making both women turn around looking at her

claudia: i'm letting him have some fun, but i assure you he cleaned the whole house earlier today-she said

billie: as he should-billie said getting a glass of wine as well-wbu you mama, why isn't your husband helping?

maggie: billie-maggie chuckled-leave your dad alone, he's getting old-she chuckled again

billie: so are you?-billie said taking a sip from her wine glass

maggie: it's fine, i'm glad to be here helping claudia-maggie said smiling to claudia

claudia: but you could get one of the boys to look ater these pans while we put up the table, decorate it and all that

billie: sure i'll get somebody-billie winked before leaving the kitchen.

a/n: yes, i know this should've been up on monday but i was too unmotivated so bare with me pls 😩

see u tomooo

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