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3Rd person's pov

Right in that moment, holding Maddie in her arms, Billie couldn't help but feel numb. It was almost as if her brain couldn't process the information

she didn't even have the strength to tell Brandon about the pregnancy. she was simply numb

Cora: mama!-Cora shouted coming inside the room and immediately hugging Billie and Maddie, waking Maddie up

Maddie: Cora! You're here!-Maddie shouted hugging Cora back

Cora: when are you going home Maddie?-Cora asked

Maddie: I don't know, the doctor didn't tell us yet-Maddie said

Cora: well, the house isn't the same without you and school starts in two days, I don't wanna go without you-Cora complained, crossing her small arms

Billie: but well, Maddie is sick and she can't go to school yet but don't worry, I'll make sure to be there on your first day of school, right by your side

Cora: you promise?-Cora asked, knowing that the three of them had a deal of never breaking promises

Billie: yes, I promise baby-Billie smiled before giving Cora a kiss

Cora: so, I brought a few games for us to play-Cora said getting out of the hospital bed and grabbing a plastic bag from the floor, she gently placed the bag on the bed, starting to show maddie and billie the games she brought -and last but not least-she said before taking out the last game

Maddie: monopoly my favorite!-Maddie clapped in excitement before roughly coughing a few times making Billie give her a concerned look

Cora: ew, do you have a flu or something?-Cora chuckled, sitting back on the back

Maddie: I don't know, what do I have mama?-Maddie asked looking up at Billie

Billie: it's a bug, a stomach bug-Billie lied, not exactly knowing what to say since she didn't pay any attention on what the doctor told her, except the part where he said Maddie had cancer and it was a very aggressive type of cancer

Cora: oh, than you should be fine for us to go on our first day of school together-Cora said shrugging her shoulders before starting to take out the pieces from the game they chose

sunday, 3:10am

Cora left a little before dinner time after spending the whole day with her mother, sister and father who joined them a bit later, besides Maddie being diagnosed with cancer, it was the first time they actually had "Family time"

"Mommy"-Billie heard Maddie's voice, but she seemed to be so fa away-"Mommy, wake up, I-"-before Billie could even realize that what she was hearing weren't from her dream, she was woken up by Maddie's rough coughs again

Billie confusedly opened her eyes, immediately seeing blood

all over her

all over maddie

all over the bed

and even in some of the machines

she quickly jumped as soon as Maddie's room doors were slammed opened and quite a few nurses and a doctor came in

she didn't even had the time to realize what was happening when one of the nurse started helping her out of the bed

Maddie: mommy I'm scared, I don't want-Maddie started, making Billie finally lock eyes with her. But Maddie was soon shut by again, her vomit. Not a normal vomit though

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