Chapter 16

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It was Wednesday and we had two more days left till we had to go home, so being me i jumped on the chair in front of the computer, yes, i literally jumped on it. I logged on to skype and waited in complete silence since Brett and Jake decided to go out somewhere, i don't know where, but i didn't care. 

I didn't expect anyone to be online but to my surprise Austin was, i quickly did the math in my head and figured out that it was 3am in America because it was 10am here and theres a 7 hour difference. I clicked on his name and type in a hey. I waited a minute and he didn't reply which confused me, because usually he replied straight away. It confused me more about why he was on at 3 in the morning, with school the next day.

Hey after hey i continued typing to him eventually giving up and just calling him. At first he didn't answer and he didn't answer the second time, but just as i was about to give up on the third call someone answered and must of answered with video because they appeared straight away.

"Um hey" I said. It wasn't Austin it was some other guy from our school and there was a faint sound of music in the background. Was Austin having another one of his famous parties?

"Wow you're pretty" The guy pulled his face close to the camera. He was drunk.

"Thanks uh could you get Austin for me?" I asked with a polite smile.

"Austin? oh yeah Austin, won't be a minute" He jumped back and did a fist pump. I mentally face palmed myself.

5 minutes passed so i decided to get up and make tea, i've enjoyed it a lot since i've been here. I came back and my face formed a horrified expression, i almost dropped my tea but i put it down on the table. The scene in front of me was beyond disturbing, what had been Austin's completely silent room other than faint sounds of music and talking had now turned into what could be porn. I gagged and turned away, the two people weren't exactly doing it, yet, but they were close i mean like they were in the process of taking their last pieces of dignity off. 

I immediately turned the volume off and hid my eyes with my hands, peeking after every minute to see if they were gone or Austin had come to my rescue. I suffered this for another 10 minutes, i mean like what could be taking him so long? i actually had the urge to hang up.

After another peek i saw Austin had walked into the room so i turned the volume on again. "Hey!" He yelled. They looked up and their faces held the expression of a deer caught in the headlights.

"Get your asses out of here" He continued, he walked closer to the bed. "What did you do to my sheets!" He looked at the guy. "You couldn't keep it in for a bit?!" I couldn't help but laugh at this which caused them all to look at me. Austin winked and the two sex crazed teens gasped.

"Please get out, you tortured me for 10 minutes" I gagged again. They quickly picked up their clothes. "Oh and take the poor boys sheets" I stopped them. "Make sure they're destroyed" I smiled innocently. Austin took off his sheets and threw them at the guy who fumbled to pick them up then they both ran out of the room, clothes wrapped around them. Austin shut the door and shook his head.

"Hey there princess" He smiled.

"Oh my knight in shining armour who just happened to save me 10 minutes to late" I narrowed my eyes.

"Sorry! it took the guy like 5 minutes to tell me you called and then 5 minutes to get past all the girls that just want me so bad" He mocked.

"And what exactly is the occasion" I asked with an eye brow up.

"The usual party" He shrugged.

"Why was i not invited" I pouted.

"Well you see, you're in London" He rolled his eyes.

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