Chapter 4

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Sorry about the realllllyy longgg delay i had writers block :/ anndd i couldnt get around to updating :( sorrryyy <3


“Code red, code red, code red” I yelled into the phone. Making sure all doors and windows in my room were closed so people outside wouldn’t here. Pfft, it wasn’t because Austin lived the very few meters away, Ha! no.

After walking into the house and not turning back because i was afraid and might i add again very afraid of Austin Gray i walked up into my room and called my best friend Maddy.

“Who’s the hot guy?” She said in a ‘i know you to well’ tone. I can just imagine her rolling her eyes.

“Austin Gray” I dragged his name out. “Dun dun dun” I ended.

I heard her gasp. “Austin Gray? the famous Mr. Player that treats girls like shit but is oh so totally hot?” 

Is that all she knew about him? i thought everyone would know there’s a gang involved. “Yeah him” I laughed.

“So, what about him?” She said a bit louder.

“He uh he-” I stuttered.

“T-t-today junior!” She teased.

“He lives next door, and he drove me home, and he’s nice” I rushed out, slurring the words together but i had a feeling she’d know what i said.

“Oh my bloody gosh, you lucky girl!, but don’t get to caught up otherwise you’ll be played and then have a broken heart, i swear You, Sarah and I are the only ones that haven’t gone out with him. Besides the loser’s of course” 

“I know, and don’t call them losers!” He may be able to steal other girls hearts but he won’t still mine. He’s in a gang and he’s a troublemaker that is not attractive. Or is it? No, no it isn’t. Lies. 

“Whatever, but i’m serious he’s dated a lot of chicks, most of them hoped they could change him into a......nicer person” They way she said ‘nicer person’ was as if it was more of a question.

“Well it’s obviously impossible” I let out an unsure laugh. Is it impossible?

“Yeah, well i got to go talk to you later, and welcome to the town! i’m so glad your finally here, we have to hang out soon” She bid her goodbye.

“For sure! and thank you and bye” I heard the line click meaning the call had ended.

I threw my phone onto my bed and decided to get changed into something more comfortable. I shrugged on my dark blue hoodie and loose shorts. It was only 3:30pm and school had ended at 3pm. Dinner can start to be cooked at 5, since i was the one that had to cook it.

I need a car. Yes i know that was a completely random thought but it’s true. Jake can’t drive for god knows how long and i need to get my own way to places without Jake having to drop me off. 

I walked down to the lounge room that still had a couple of boxes here and there, and floppend down on one of the couches and stretched my legs out. Before turning the tv on i looked around the house that was half done, eh i'll fix it on the weekend. It had a vintage beachy look that i absoulutely adored. The couches were white and had a square brown coffee table in front of it. The tv was pretty big and sat on a table with shells decorated around it (thanks to me). 

As soon as i turned the tv on Jake walked through the door, without knocking, oh well it's his house too. 

"Heya Jake" I greeted him once i turned back to the tv that was showing some cooking show.

"So how'd you end up getting home?" He asked. Wow thanks for saying hey too bro. He grabbed an apple from the not so much stocked up kitchen and sat next to me after shooing my legs off.

Uh oh. Lying was my greatest skill but to Jake it was nothing. "The bus?" It came out more like a question then i intended.

"How did you get home" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"Well, uh Austin took me home" I managed to squeak out. I scratched the back of my neck and smiled a sheepish smile.

"WHAT!? WHY?" Did he seriously ask why? oh god my brother is weird.

"I wouldn't want a beautiful girl like you to catch the bus home by herself" I replayed what he said earlier. Why is he so amazing, attractive, charming and sort of nice! I have never in my 17 years met a guy like him. He's just so ugh, what was wrong with me.

"He's already coming onto you! that asshole!" Jake continued cursing and using a lot of colourful words.

"And he um lives next door to us" I whispered as if he could hear us. I mentally punched myself in the face.

He cursed again. "That's it. I hate him so much. I can't let him near you ever" He stood up and strolled to the door.

My eyes widened. It's been how long? 2 days we've been in this town and Jake's already starting a fight, but i promised myself i wouldn't fall in love with Austin so there isn't a problem. Right?

I ran after Jake but i was too late. He was knocking on the door well more like banging on the door so hard i swear the hinges were going to break. What if his parents were home? how embarrasing would that be! I tugged on Jakes shirt. "Come on, he can't and won't get me" I pleaded.

"No" He stated firmly and continued bashing the poor door.

Finally it opened to a very annoyed Austin, i stopped tugging on Jake's shirt and bit my lip. I drew in a sharp breath.

"Stay.Away.From.My.Sister" Jake spat out.

They were the around the same height and Jake's eyes were so angry, fire could be shooting out of them. Although Austin's perfect green eyes showed amusement.

"Wow, i expected a nice hello or even a handshake but i get this?" He shook his head chuckling.

"I would never. Just don't bother Avery or even talk to her, she doesn't need to be hurt" Jake's eyes narrowed and he clenched his fists. I rolled my eyes.

"Relax, i wouldn't like a girl like her. She's not my type" His eyes briefly met mine and they held no expression. My heart twisted in pain. He said 'her' like i was nothing and said 'my' like he was the freaking king. 2 days i've been back in my hometown and drama has already started! 

"Then why did you take her home?" Jake asked suspiciously. At this moment in time all i wanted to do was go back to my room, stare at the ceiling and scream. What was i thinking? a guy like Austin Gray would never like me like he said.

"Because her brother couldn't" He said in a 'duh' tone. With that said Jake turned around whilst grabbing my wrist and marched back to our house. I turned around to see Austin staring after us still with no expression, i shook my head and turned back.


That night at dinner, my brother and i sat eating chinese take away since there wasn't really anything to cook.

"What happened?" I asked. "Why do you hate Austin so much?" I really wanted to know, but if it wasnt my business then so be it.

He froze. "I'll tell you sometime later" That was all he said that night, i guess i brought back memories, i was so confused.

I took a shower after dinner and lay down on my bed and thought. Okay if Austin was going to be such an ass to me then there won't be any delays in being an ass back to him. He may think he can own everyone in the school because he was a senior and all that shit, but he isn't going to own me. 

So hopefully he'll do the common curtasy as to not talk to me, like my brother said, make it easier for both of us, yeah?

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