Part Eight: Making Amends

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Crying her eyes out, Lynsey sat alone in an abandoned building. She sat with her knees tucked into her chest, letting the tears fall. She knew that not everyone was going to be nice to her, and she knew Remi had a point. She was treated like a princess...for what? Surviving a few fires? Being abandoned by her mother and losing her home?

Lynsey's heart felt heavy as the conflicting thoughts continued in her head. She knew she couldn't sit here as she stared at her gloves.

'There was a reason for all of this madness...and I need to know why...'
Lynsey thought to herself. 'It's time for me to grow up.'

She grabbed the card the doctor gave to her a long time ago. "I think I need to pay this specialist a visit." She said to herself, dusting off the dust off her jeans. She then took out a phone and called the number on the card.

With both Lynsey and Galo out of commission, the firehouse was a lot more quieter than usual. Aina kept an eye out, hoping for any signs of them.

"This is ridiculous." Remi stated. "Who cares about those two idiots?"

"Dude...they were just newbies." Varys replied, taking a bite out of a pizza. "It was hard enough for them as it is."

Aina then noticed a familiar looking figure...or it seemed. It looked like Lynsey but her hair was darker and her eyes were more tired looking. As soon as she came in, Ignis looked up from his truck.

"'s been a while." He said, gruffly. "What brings you here?"

"I saw the whole 'Star of the Week' bit with my daughter and-" Miriam tried to explain, but fell silent. Seeing so many people looking at her got her nervous. "Can we talk somewhere in private?"

Ignis gave a quick nod and led her into his office.

As the taxi arrived at their destination, she saw that the Kray Foresight Foundation building was humongous from the ground up. The TV didn't give it any justice on how staggering it was. The glass windows reflected the city skyline over the twilight night sky. Golden statues of the Governor stood proudly as guards protecting a castle. A huge fountain surrounded by a luscious garden tied the pieces together.

The taxi pulled up to the front doors and Lynsey got out and paid. As she turned around, she saw a woman with a clipboard exiting the building. It was like she had been waiting for her.

"You must be Lynsey Godfrey, correct?" Biar called out from near the front doors. Lynsey walked over to her, nodding. "I am Biar Colossus, personal assistant to the Governor. We spoke on the phone."

The two women shook hands before entering the huge lobby. It was even more extravagant than the outside. It was stepping into a posh hotel. Entering an elevator, Lynsey immediately got nervous and gripped the handrails with both hands in the corner.

"Hmm? Afraid of heights?" Biar asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Y-yeah. I was never a fan of flying in general..." Lynsey laughed nervously. "S-sorry if I am embarrassing you."

"Nonsense. Your secret is safe with me, Ms. Godfrey." The assistant winked at her, making her feel a little calmer. She then changed the subject. "Governor Foresight has been expecting you for quite a while. He enjoyed your little interview with Ms. Willow."

"Huh...I didn't think he was a fan."

"Of course. He takes great pride in all of the citizens of Promepolis." She replied just as the elevator dinged.

The doors opened and Lynsey stumbled a little bit before regaining her composure. The Governor was standing, looking out the window with his arms behind his back.

"Such a beautiful view, isn't it?" He asked to no one in particular. "A vast open sky surrounded by skyscrapers: truly man's paradise." He turned around to greet his visitor. "It is a pleasure to finally meet the myth in person."

Lynsey cleared her throat, and gave him a handshake. "Thank you. It's nice to meet you too, Governor."

"Biar? Can you please bring up some tea?" Kray asked to Biar. She nodded and headed back into the elevator. "Please have a seat, Ms. Godfrey. I am sure you have much to ask."

She sat down in one of the luxurious egg shaped chairs, with a little bit of a struggle. He took a seat behind his desk and smiled.

"Now then, I assume you are here because of your father, correct?" He asked. "Cain Godfrey...was one of the hard working men I had in a long time."

"I suppose. I don't remember much of him growing up." Lynsey said, making him nod. "May I ask? Was my father insane?"

"You really shouldn't listen to gossip, my dear." Kray chuckled. "That was all his doing. Apparently, he despised the Burnish to his core. That belt you inherited was supposed to be a suppressor of sorts."

"Really? I guess..." Lynsey pondered. It made sense because the belt never did anything that would execute suppression abilities. There is a long silence after that. Biar brought up the tea and excused herself. Kray watched Lynsey as he took a sip. Setting his cup down, he tried to reassure her.

"Your mother was worried about you, you know?"

She looked up slowly, surprised but cautious. "What did she say exactly?"

"She came in here crying that you were turning into your father...and wanted to save you." Kray shrugged. "Honestly, seeing you here, I don't understand her concern."

"Again, I never knew him because he was always at work. Whenever he did, he would show me his inventions. My mom hated the idea of me following in his footsteps...or anything that would relate to the Burnish." Lynsey admitted. "After he died, she completely erased him from her mind and tried to make me someone else."

"Hmm...tell me, Lynsey. What do you want to be?"

That question struck her in the heart. It had a long time since she thought about her own future. "I don't know...right now, all I want is answers to what my dad had made and why he left it to a man I didn't know." Lynsey stated. "Unfortunately, I was aware of the explosion destroying most of his work."

"Not necessarily..." Kray objected. "You see, my Freeze Force men have been scouting a former laboratory where we believe contains some of your father's old records."


"There's a snag though. We have heard rumours that there might be some Burnish living within the walls. Of course, we cannot just rush in there like mad dogs if they are not there."

Lynsey put two and two together. "You want me to scout it for you?"

Kray snapped his fingers in realization. "You are indeed a smart girl. We can send you out with a beacon. If there is any Burnish, you turn it on and we'll come running. They shouldn't expect a normal person snooping around."

Lynsey felt uneasy about it. Knowing what Aina had said about Galo, and the incident at the pizza seemed too much of a coincidence. However, she knew the risks. She wanted answers and if this was the only way...she'll play cat and mouse with them.

To be continued...

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