Part Ten: Truce

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The following day, Lio and his lieutenants were making their rounds when they were told that Lynsey was awake. They headed off to the darkest part of their hideout, to which Meis sighed in disapproval.

"You're crazy, you know that?" Meis said. "What if she is one of them? One of their little spies?"

"You saw what she did." Lio argued. "She didn't damage anything or anyone because of her willpower."

"Big deal." Gueira scoffed, scratching his red hair. "It is probably because she has a major crush on you, Meis."

Lio stopped and gave both of his lieutenants the death stare. They gulped and backed away slowly. He sighed, turning away from them. "Go on your guard duty. I'll be fine on my own."

Walking through the village, many Burnish greeted him with warm smiles. He would smile and return the favour. He cared deeply for every single one of them, even risking his own life to save another. Making his way up the stairs; however, his thoughts turned to Lynsey.

/'What happened out there...Why didn't she...?'/ Despite the short time she was in the lab, she didn't attack him. Was it out of shock? Remorse? As he soon reached the cell, he excused the guards before looking inside the barred window.

She was just staring at the wall. She looked peaceful, wandering about whatever was going through her mind. He knew why at that moment: her determined spirit that allowed her to restrain herself from hurting anyone. She was stronger than she let on.

Lynsey glanced up at him before looking away.

He remained silent as he opened the door. She stood up and brushed the dirt off her clothes before exiting. He slammed the door before they looked into each other's eyes.

"You didn't go to that lab just for your father's files." Lio finally asked, looking away from her. "Someone brought you here."

Lynsey sighed, hugging herself. "It was the only place, I was told, to have left anything related to my dad and the belt...I mean, my gloves."

"You mean...your dad made that?"

"Yeah. I don't understand what is going on. Now, with the building gone, there is nothing left." She shrugged.

"No...that's not true I know what it does." He whispered, but loud enough for her to hear. "It really was an Anti-Burnish weapon."

She looked up at him, confused. "I've...heard of that before..."

"From the records we found, your father developed it for the Kray Foresight Foundation twenty years ago. It was designed to use a person's willpower and turn it into a energy strong enough to kill the Burnish."

Lynsey backed away from him, disbelief etched on her face. ", that's not-"

"If it was left in the wrong hands, it will kill us all." Lio said, his eyes staring deep into hers. "If it weren't for that explosion, things would've been a lot worse."

As her back hit against the prison wall, she began to piece it together. The secrecy, getting it inherited, that interview...the glow. Was the wearer supposed to...really kill? If it was based on their emotions...then...

She choked on some tears as she fell on her knees. Slamming her fists to the ground, she screamed to the heavens. All the anger, sorrow, and regret flew out of her body in just one continuous yell.

When Lynsey finally finished, she sat up and held her knees up to her chest. Making a weapon to kill lives, Burnish or not, would make anyone feel sick to their stomachs.

She sensed Lio's presence beside her, but refused to acknowledge him. He didn't mind, but his concerns grew more troublesome. He joined her, sitting next to her. He could see her hands shaking, her trembling lip, and bloodshot eyes. He made a brave move by brushing some hair off her face.

"Listen..." Lio sighed as he sat down next to her. "I get it. You weren't supposed to be part of this madness...but it happened."

She didn't say a word, but she nodded.

"I was like that too...all because of this curse." He said, letting a flame flicker above his palm. She watched it in awe as it began to glow. "However, I found people who accepted me for who I am. I grew stronger because of that. I never wanted no one else to feel ashamed for what they were."

"There's...more of you?" Lynsey asked, the words finally hitting her.

Lio nodded. He took her by the hand and marched over out to the light. He took her to a balcony and showed her the village. Down below, she saw many people enjoying life. Children running around laughing without a care in the world. It was like they were never hindered by being a Burnish.

He placed a hand on her cheek, using his thumb to wipe away the tears. "I know you are scared, Lynsey. You're just afraid to face yourself."

"I never understood mother hated him so much." She spoke with a little stutter. "She was trying to protect me...all this time...and I just let her down."

"That doesn't mean that your life is over." He said, making her look into his eyes. "You can start over because...there are people here who do care."

"But...I am not like you guys..."

"That's just it. We don't hurt people. We never did. We just want a normal life where we can accept who we are regardless of what we are."

"You think that...I belong here?" She asked, face blushing. He nodded, feeling that his face was also burning.

"I saw what you can do with that 'weapon'. I sensed positive energy; a will to protect. You are not a killer, Lynsey."

"That's why I saw you that day...on the rooftop. You sensed my positive energy?"

"Yes...we can use it to protect this sanctuary." Lio explained. "Lynsey...I know we don't know each other that well but...I am asking you for your help."

So many thoughts rushed in her head. she couldn't help but get worried. What if Kray noticed that she hadn't returned? What if they come here, attacking the Burnish for kidnapping her? She didn't want that burden for her of them. She then saw Lio smile at her. The soft flutter in her heart made her go crazy inside. She had never felt emotion so raw before.

"Okay...I'll try." She said, feeling a little bit more calmer.
To be continued...

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