Part Sixteen: A Blessing in Disguise

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Lynsey couldn't believe her eyes. As they flew above the city skyline, they couldn't ignore the giant spacecraft in front of them. The ship was emitting several beams of strange light into the sky, causing it to make some sort of warp hole.

"That's...the Prometech engine's doing?" She muttered to herself. She noticed Aina shifting away from the mech as it made its way towards the ship.

"I need to call my sister. She has no idea what is happening right now." She said. "Hang on! I have to get closer!"

Flashes of lights caught her attention. They were shooting ice missiles and ammunition at the mech. It took it all in their own stride before immediately falling into the bridge, head first. It made a huge dent in the metal as steam leaked out. Lynsey looked at the collision with a look of disbelief.

"What the hell was that?" Lynsey yelled through the comms. "I thought this was supposed to be, like, unstoppable?"

"Yeah, is just this lame ass design!" Galo responded. "I cannot burn my firefighter soul in this!"

Lynsey shook her head in silence, overhearing the boys bicker back and forth. Two polar opposites operating in the same mech could only spell trouble.

"Fine! How about this then?" Lio groaned, silencing the fight. Looking out the window, Lynsey could see the mech glow in Burnish flames. Her eyes widened in awe at the dancing colours. As the ice missiles continued to fire, the flames continued to grow. The mech was then engulfed by the flames, transforming it into a more powerful form. It shimmered in its black Burnish flame armour and four horns in its head.

"Holy..." Lynsey mumbled under her breath.

"Even if the ideals you look up to come crashing to the ground, your hope will never be broken!" Galo said as the smoke cleared. "A burning firefighter and an ice cold firestarter..."

"Oil and water combined as one!" Lio joined in.

"Absolute Firefighter...Lio De Galon!"

Aina turned to Lynsey with exhausted eyes. "And there he goes monologuing again..."

" top it all off, the immense power of the Glowing Girl!"

Lynsey grabbed her headset in anger. "Why are you dragging me into this?!"

Galo's smug face appeared in front of her. "What? I am just saying we can use your gloves to further power up Lio de Galon."

"I am not some sort of battery!"

"Look, your dad did some research into the Burnish-"

"That's not the point!"

Aina screamed as she quickly swerved away from more ice missiles aimed towards them. "Gah! At this rate, you are better off joining them!"

"Are you fricking serious, Aina? There is no room to sit anywhere in that heap." Lynsey groaned.

"Quit your whining. You survived my heap long enough." Aina snapped back. "I have to find Heris and warn her. Just make sure Galo doesn't get hurt!"

More ice missiles rained down on Lio de Galon, but with a mighty kick, they ceased all fire.

"Fine! Just lower it a little bit more-" Lynsey said, but Aina opened the cockpit, causing the girl to fall out. "Damn you!"

She tried to summon something to catch her fall, but her immense fear of heights immobilized her. Curling her head down, she braced herself for a hard landing. However, she felt herself hitting something soft and hearing a soft groan. Opening her eyes, she found herself looking at Lio's shocked face.

"Nice catch there!" Galo laughed. "Welcome abroad, Lynsey!"

Blushing and looking away, she carefully got off the Mad Burnish and jumped off of the mech. Her gloves began to give a more powerful glow that Lynsey had ever seen. Was it because she was standing beside Prometh's engine? Was it all connected?

"Killer Move! One Match Arson Kick!"

Lynsey jumped away from them before the mech began kicking the floor.

"Hey! Burnish prisoners! Where are ya? We're here!" Galo yelled, as his kicks became more and more aggressive.

Soon, she was joining them with a summoned hammer, smashing the steel into dust. She could feel cold eyes staring down at her from the top of the bridge. She could remember what Foresight told her:

'You will be doing one last favour for me...whether you like it or not!'

"Oh no! They're about to warp!" Aina warned through the comms.

"Goddammit!" Lynsey seethed as she threw the hammer in the air and changed it into double cannons with her gloves. She aimed at the tower and began to charge its power as Lio de Galon tried to kick it down.

"Tell me! Where are the Burnish?" Galo screamed.

She took a clean shot at some power cables, hoping it would shut off. When that didn't work, she tried a more charged shot. The moment it hit, the tower began to it was about to transform.

"What the hell?" Lynsey gasped, slowly backing away.

"Your futile over!"

The bridge fell off and it transformed itself into a mech. It was aimed directly at Lio de Galon and Lynsey was a sitting duck. She tried to run as far away as she could, but the mech's impact caused a huge crater. She slid down the metal and once again, fell down into the ship.

"LYNSEY!" Lio called out as she was swooped up by Galo. Keeping her safe, they curled her in the mech's hands as she braced for impact. An earth shattering moment later, she was released and soon they saw their foe.

"That voice! It's Kray!" Galo realized. Lynsey stayed close since she was the odd one out in a mech battle.

"Kray! Free the Burnish!" Lio demanded.

"Filthy terrorists! How dare you!" Kray seethed as he summoned a cannon in its chest and began charging. They dove out of the way as the beam was shot. It hit a couple of buildings which then disintegrated in front of their eyes.

"What?" Lio gasped in shock.

"The buildings...they turned into dirt!" Galo screamed. Lynsey's mouth was agape, realizing that they are screwed.

"Genocide Cultivation Beam! It destroys mountains turning it into farmland." Foresight explained. "Just one of the many terraforming tools we will use on our new planet. I wasn't expecting it to use it here."

"Hey! What about the people inside?" Galo demanded.

"They are all in underground shelters, obviously." The Governor mocked Galo, which made the latter attack him head on. Lynsey could only watch as Foresight then tried to crush them into the ground.

Despite their protests on trying to solve the problem, they were fallen on deaf ears. Lynsey watched as Kray beat them up before slamming them into a building. She quickly ran, avoiding Kray's cold glance at her.

She was his next target.
To be continued...

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