Part Twelve: Mending Hearts

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She felt light as air but numb on the inside. She couldn't open her eyes, couldn't move her limbs, or even speak. 'Am I dead...or is this a dream?'

"LYNSEY!" She heard Lio calling out to her. Suddenly, her eyes shot open as she started to see a green glowing silhouette in the shape of him. It was in a panicked state, calling her out. "Answer me!"

Her heart ached, wanting to. It began to fade away as a bright light began to push through the darkness. It consumed her as she could feel her body shiver back to life...
Gasping for air, she found herself in a lab, strapped to a chair. Looking around, she saw scientists in white coats, playing with what looks like sharp tools. Her hair was drenched onto her head and noticed it was pulled back to her neck.

"Ah, you're awake." Governor Kray said, clapping his hands. "I was afraid I was going to fire Vulcan for murdering a citizen." Groaning, Lynsey tried to move, but was held back by the steel restraints. "Oh, please stay still. We don't want to cause any more damage to your body."

"What are you talking about?" She asked, groggily. Her eyes were going in and out of focus.

"Well, our newest technology was beta mode. Not yet ready for human testing..." He said, pointing to her legs. Sure enough, they had severe frostbite along with her arms. Gasping and shaking, she tried to escape.

"Don't worry. It is only a minor fix." A woman came in. Her pink hair was short, but Lynsey could swear she reminded her of Aina. She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "My name is Heris Ardebit. My sister has told me a lot about you."

"You mean...Aina?" Lynsey asked, still shaking.

"Yes, but first, we must deal with the frostbite. You might be going into hypothermia if we don't cure it." She said, rushing for a needle of strange liquids. Wincing, Lynsey looked away as she sterilized her arm and injecting the needle in.

"See? That wasn't so bad, was it?" Kray asked, from the side. "You know, when I told your mother that you were captured by the Burnish, she was devastated."

She was shocked, even if she was too tired to express it. "W-what? Why would s-she?"

"She's your mother, of course." He simply answered. "She came all this way to see you when you arrived.

"Then why isn't she here?"

"Ohh...she is currently boarding her flight with 1,999 others to Alpha Centauri."

"Another planet? Is the world gonna blow up or something?" Lynsey asked, half jokingly. When he didn't say nothing, her heart dropped. "You are not joking are you?"

"You can join her, though." Kray said, kneeling down to her level.


"If you swear your allegiance to us, I can spare you a seat next to your loving mother." Kray offered. "Do this one last thing for me, and I'll let you join us to sanctuary."

She shivered in cold sweats, feeling the medicine taking over. Her body felt like it was on fire and she felt like she was going to throw up. "No...I would rather mother abandoned matter what I did..."

Kray's expression turned cold as stone. "Very well. I tried to be reasonable,'s your choice. Rest up, because you will be doing one last favour for me...whether you like it or not."

He left the room with Heris looking over her. A hour later. Lynsey was placed back into a hospital bed when a woman came into the room. "Excuse me, Heris?"

Lynsey couldn't believe that it was her mom. Her hair was in a sloppy bun, she had an old cardigan and dress on and her eyes were darkened with rings.

"Oh, Mrs. Godfrey. I'll give you two some privacy." Heris excused herself out of the room. Lynsey watched as her mother took a chair and placed it next to her.

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