Chapter Thirty-Nine | Permanent

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~George's P.O.V~

(Both Human Form)

I said I was ready, but what I really ment is that I wasn't. I pushed open the door, groaning in frustration, "Clayy..." I complained.

He smiled at me sweetly, "Georgie." He gushed. I blushed, sitting next to him on the bed. "I'm pretty sure my heat is coming..." I whined. Meanwhile, Clay thought it was the funniest thing.

"Oh boo hoo, George." He mocked me. I rolled my eyes. "You need to have at least one day in my shoes to understand how much of a living nightmare it is."

I grumbled while Clay smiled. "Sorry Georgie, I'm too busy being a Ulta." I hit him on his arm, "Dummy." Clay wheezed.

"I'll make breakfast this time," Clay patted my leg, getting up. I sighed, falling back into the bed. I looked at the roof. Who's going to take care of me since Delilah is gone? I still had my heat issues...

Finally, I got the strength to get up. I walked into the kitchen, getting a soft smile from Clay while he stirred the pasta.

I sat down on the counter, watching the alpha. I couldn't help but to blush. He turned around, leaning against the stove.

"Like what you see?" I rolled my eyes, scoffing. He wheezed, walking over to me. I wrapped my arms around my alpha, taking in his scent with a smile.

"Awh, my Georgie," Clay spoke, making my blush a darker shade of red. "You're an idiot," I was muffled by my alpha. He laughed, running his hand through my hair.

He let go, going back to attending to his pasta. I got out the silverware, setting up the table. It's the least I could do. Clay poured the pasta into the strainer before calling me. I grabbed a plate, thanking my alpha.

We ate happily. It was different, not being udderly terrified of Clay's father coming back again and raping me for the second time. He was dead, so the fear wasn't needed. Kil is gone, it's very unlikely he will come back.

Amd Delilah... Delilah was gone. I was on my own, but at least I had Clay, my alpha.

I let out a sigh as Clay groomed my coat, like it needed to be groomed. I wasn't complaining. He rubbed his face on my scent gland. He licked it, making me chuckle. "Okay, Clay, fine." I tilted my head, giving him access which he eagerly took.

"Clay? Will you have to do this once I'm mated?" He messed with it a bit longer before looking up, panting, "I don't have to, no, but my scent smells nice on you, George."

I blushed bright red, "Of course it does." He smirked, "I tend not to share what's mine."

I shook my head. "So basically your saying if I smell like anyone else, you have an issue?" He chuckled, "That's exactly what I'm saying!" I rolled my eyes.

I rested my head, "So what about your father's? He..." I paused. Clay frowned, "You will always have a hint of his scent on you... But I won't let anyone smell it."

I nodded, "When we mate? His scent?" I was asking far too many questions for my liking.

"No matter what I do George, his scent will be there, once an omega is mated, it stays..." I closed my eyes, tightly holding back tears.

He noticed, licking behind my ear, "It's okay, George, calm down." I couldn't stop the tears from falling. This was a subject I was avoiding for so long, but I couldn't keep it in. It would kill me inside.

"How long before I arrived?" Clay asked, I shrugged, "I don't know..." He lets out a deep sigh, "I'm sorry I wasn't there," I gave him a weak smile.

"Is it possible for me to have his pups?" He looked deep into my eyes. "Yes, but is very difficult to impregnate a male omega. I broke you guys up too soon for it to work." I nodded.

"Does that mean we will have to mate several times before it works?" I asked. Was Clay worried about the questions or was he glad that I was asking them?

He let out a deep sigh, "Possibly, but there is no rush at all." I sighed. "How long will I be trapped?" He thought about it for a moment, "It depends. Normally, it will last about fifteen Minutes but because I'm an Ulta it will last about an hour if your lucky.

"Then why was I released from your father so soon?" He chuckled slightly. "He was dead, he couldn't keep it like it was even if he wanted too."

"Is there anything else you want to know?" I thought about it for a moment. "Will it hurt?" He nodded, "Yes, but I will be careful, I would never hurt you George..." I let out a deep sigh.

"Could I die?" He caught my eyes, "Yes... Your a male omega... But I won't let that happen. I will take care of you." I looked around the room, not knowing how to respond, "The pups?" I asked, avoiding his eyes.

"Yes..." He paused, I caught his eyes, "I'm scared..." He nuzzled me, "I know, I will take care of you, I promise."

I gave him a weak smile, "Thank you." I swallowed, nervously. I laid my head back down, enjoying the company of my alpha.

Did I really want to do this? Risk my life like this? I'm a omega, isn't that what I'm supposed to do? Breed and have pups? But why do something that can harm me?

If I don't try, I won't know how good of parents we are. I could be attacked by other alphas due to me not having a official mate.

I can do this, I think at least. I hope it's worth it. No regrets right? No regrets.


Few more chapters left! What was y'all's favorite chapter so far? And who do you hate the most out of everyone you have met throughout the story?

I love you guys so much ❤️

Spoilers and live writings in discord, link in bio!

Stay calm, Stay alive


He nodded my head" was said too many times in the unedited version.

-Editor Shy

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