Chapter One

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**A/N: So apparently people like this so far so I guess I should update this to see if people like it even more!**

I placed my bag on the desk, stretching my shoulder back and forth, trying my best to get calm. College was very scary to me, I wasn't much older than most of my students. Hell I am only twenty-three, most of my students are eighteen or above. It was the most awkward thing ever, addressing someone who was basically my peer as a underling.

I sat down, proud of the fact that there were tons of students here so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone directly. It always made me feel queasy, having one on one conversations with students is always so awkward.

The door opened, instantly drawing my attention, and the students started to file in. There was a trio of boisterous boys that came in together.

One was a curly haired lad in a black trench coat, his skinny blue jeans and boots were the only thing that was visible. There was a brunette with facial hair, who smiled and laughed at everything that the other two said. Finally there was the dark haired one who had these alert eyes.

Everyone seemed to gravitate around these three, wanting to be near what I assumed was the popular crowd. They all looked at me with scary glances, reminding me that they controlled whether or not their peers will like me or not. Great, so I stepped from the comfort zone of my home with my lovely Niall to come to the set of Mean Girls 3, Boys Run the World. Yeah, I totally made that up in my head but who cares.

"Alright class so welcome to Mythology ." I said, scanning all of their bored faces. Hell, I should've just taught High School. I would've been easier that way, instead of being scrutinized by all of these young faces. It sucks ass that I don't have a PhD or anything. I could've been Dr. Tomlinson. Yet, here I was, smiling awkwardly for these students.

"This year I will be teaching you mythology" I said weakly.

"Well that's pretty fucking obvious since this is a mythology class." The dark haired one said. There was an immediate outburst of people laughing and I felt even smaller than I did before.

Be calm, I can do this. I think I can do this. "Sir, what is your name?" I asked him, my face red with embarrassment.

"Zayn." He said,his eyes staring me down, begging me to challenge him.

"Get out." I said simply.

"Excuse me?" He asked me.

"I said GET OUT!" I yelled. He stared at me for a moment, the whole room silent. His eye brows were raised and there was a smirk on his face before he stood up and walked out of the room. With him gone everyone was quiet as I went through my introductions, everyone in the class were probably afraid of em. I guess it was because I showed authority on my first day, which surprised me even. It was something new to me, something that I wasn't used to.

Once class was over everyone filed out in silence, even the duo that came with Zayn. They glanced at me with hatred in their eyes before walking out of the room with a determined look in them. The glances those boys gave me made me slightly afraid.

I continued on with the rest of my day without a care in the world, slowly going through the same lecture over and over. After my four classes were up I walked out of the room and was surprised to be met by Zayn.

"What do you want Zayn?" I asked him, trying to act tough though if he tried to fight me it would've been hard for me to win. Though I could hit him with my briefcase, that would make things a lot easier.

"I just wanted to apologize, the way I presented myself was uncivilized. I shouldn't have been a smart ass on your first day. I hope I didn't mess up your day." Zayn said.

I was taken aback by his apology, unsure of what to say. "Umm, it's okay." I told him, remembering I was his superior I added, "Just don't do it again."

He nodded, staring down at me. "I promise I won't." He whispered. He turned around, walking away towards his two friends who were waiting for him. They were glaring at me from down the hall, the feeling cold. I hoped that this wasn't a feeling that I was always going to get from them.

"So how was your first day!?!?" Niall asked me once I got in. He ran at me with such a force I never seen before. He hopped on me as soon as I walked inside, wrapping his legs around me.

"Niall, you can't charge at a person and jump on them like you're a puppy." I told him.

"Well I am a puppy, your puppy." He whispered into my neck. I dropped my briefcase on the ground and kicked the door close with my foot. I started to chat with him about my day and he smiled at me. "Well it looks like someone is throwing his weight around." Niall whispered.

I carried him to the couch, sitting down with him still straddling my waist. "It was crazy, how he just apologized afterwards." I told him.

"That is surprising, big of him to be exact. You better not throw me away for a younger guy." Niall said, wagging his finger in my face. I snapped at it and he pulled it away, kissing my cheek.

"They are only a year younger than you my sweet baby." I said, pulling him in, loving the scent of his smell.

"Hey, I've seen the movies, teachers and students always have affairs. You won't have one on me will you?" He asked in a suddenly serious tone. I looked at his incredible blue eyes, smiling at the angel that was before me.

"Niall James Horan, there's no way in Hell I would ever look at another guy. My eyes were made to only look at my leprechaun, with eyes as blue as the oceans that Poseidon controls."

"Oh I love it when you talk nerdy to me you, Mr. Tomlinson." He said with a devilish smile. I kissed Niall like my life depended on it, because in my world it did. Hell my life did revolve around him.

**A/N: So this is it, Zayn and Louis met. It's going to be a suspenseful story! Umm btw, based of the song Animals by Maroon Five! I love that song!!**

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