Chapter Six

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I tried so hard not to think about it but I couldn't. Today was just so strange, right from the very start of it. There were random things all around for me and I just couldn't make heads or tails of any of it.

I pulled into my parking lot at the school I had to slam on breaks to stop the car  because there was enough flowers to put on a grave in my spot. I had to get out and put everything in the trunk of my car before I could park and get ready for class. Then things just got even stranger as my door was hidden underneath tons of love notes. I tore them all down, dropping them on my desk. 

I scanned through them all, looking at the brief confessions of love. Some were rather simple while some were complex and others were borderline sexual. They ranged in the intensity of them as well and I read most of them slowly.

Dear Louis,

I love you.


Dear Mr. Tomlinson,

I want you to take me all over your desk. I want to feel your cock deep inside of me and I want you to explode my insides with your jizz.

Along with,


I fucking love you. I can't help but watch the elegant way your mouth moves when you speak. The way that your long lashes flutter when you blink. I love to watch them but I hate when I can't see those lovely blue irises that are specked with green. Or the way that your slender fingers always go through your messy feathery hair whenever you're uncomfortable. The fact that you're thin yet you're curvy. The fact that your skin is golden like you're a Greek God. I wish you'd pay more attention with me, spend more time with me. I want to be with you so badly and it hurts to know you're with Niall. He's a sweet guy as well though so I'd be with him too if I could since I know breaking up with him would destroy your happiness. I would never want to make you sad because I'm sure it's the most heartwrenching thing ever. I promise if you give me the chance I'd make you happy.

None of them had even signed their names so I wasn't sure whether it was the female or male students that left me these love letters(?). There were more and I had to admit I was caught between flattered like the ones above to disturbed.

Louis I want to bathe in your blood.


Louis your face just turns me on. I wish I could just cut your head off and keep it with me forever.

I wasn't sure on whether or not I should be worried more about the dark ones or the crazy love obsessed ones. I knew one thing for sure. All of my students are fucking insane.

The door opened and Zayn was the first to walk in, stopping once he saw the white pile of paper on my desk. He smiled lightly, walking over with carefully placed steps as if he was afraid that making too swift of a move would make the whole pile fall from my desk. Once he was beside me he squatted down and reached out and randomly chose a letter, unfolding it and reading it out loud.

"Dear Love," Zayn started, smiling at the opener, "There's many things I'd like to say to you but I can't. I think the way you sleep in those blue yoga pants, that hug your perfect ass so tightly, and nothing else is such a turn on." Zayn said. I snatched the paper from him, reading that first sentence over and over.

Zayn whistled, shuffling through the stack of papers. "That sounded soo creepy." I smacked his hand like he was a child and he pulled away, astounded by my reaction. "What's wrong with you?" He asked me. He inspected my face more closely, catching on to the worry that was planted there. "Don't tell me you really sleep in blue yoga pants?"

"Get to your seat Zayn." I ordered. He opened his mouth to object but I gave him a look that quickly hushed him up. By the time he started wlaking to his seat all of the other students started to file into the room, each one all bright eyed and bushy tailed. I couldn't decipher who did what because nobody was showing any signs of interest in me.

My phone buzzed and I looked down to see a text from Niall. I quickly looked at it while everyone took their seats.

I got more Magnolias and ten love notes. It's not even Valentine's Day! Your children are sooooo strange! O.o

What the hell was going on around here? I leaned against the desk and inspected the faces of all twenty six of my students. There were more love notes than there wsa students in this class that's for sure, which meant some of my other classes left me notes as well. The question was which ones in this class left anything. 

I decided to come right out and ask, "So did any of you leave me flowers today?" Everyone stared at me in puzzlement, like I was a cowboy in a wedding dress dancing on the moon, or some other perculiar thing. I decided to ask again. "Did anyone leave me flowers today? I won't be mad, it's actuallyquite flattering." I added a smile just to put them at ease.

A couple of hands slowly raised up and I looked at the girls with bemusement because they all knew I was gay. Then this guy winked at me and I figured he was another one of my flower givers but he was also in the closet so I didn't comment on that. I just nodded so he knew I got his little message. 

"Okay and love notes? There's about fifty, maybe more that were taped to my door." I said. Hands quickly darted up and I frowned. There were fifteen love notes from this class, which meant I had fifteen possibilities in this class of someone watching me sleep. Or wanting my head. Or to bathe in my blood. I wasn't even sure what I was doing to make my students like me so much? Maybe it was because I was the only teacher here that was so close to their age that while teacher student kinky porn that most of them visualized in their sleep didn't seem so awkward. Whatever it was I feared that it might be only the beginning. I also feared that not all of the suspected party members raised their hands.

**A/N: So it's a thriller which iss good for me haha. I mean there's going to be some crazy stalkery crap in this story. I hope you like it. I know @queenouis is obsessed with it! So here's some craziness for you paige! BTW this story is almost to 100 votes. Aww I love the little things! There's probably not going to be a limit to reach for this story, not sure yet, because there's already at least 70 avud readers and 10 avid voters, so thank you!! I loves you all!!**

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