Chapter Seven

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What the hell was going on? I was scanning through my emails and it was full of love letters. Niall was peering over my shoulder, reading the headlines for them all, a frown plastered on his face.

"Louis, some of these worry me so much." He said. He pointed at the screen, my mouth not moving because it was freaking me out as well. "Some of these are beyond kinky but some of these are down right ghastly."

"Yeah, I mean one literally says, 'I want to slit your throat!'." I said. "That's some seriously dark stuff." I whispered.

"Shouldn't we go to the cops for things like this? I mean these are threatening emails."

"No Niall, that'll probably cause more attention." I said.

He ignored me, picking up his phone. He was about to start dialing when my computer refreshed and a new email popped up that was named NIALL!

"I think it's for you." I told him. Niall stopped right before he pressed SEND and he clicked the e-mail himself.

Call the cops and I will slit your pretty little white throat while you are sleeping beside Louis tonight after your ten fifteen shower.

"Pack your bags." I told him.

"Louis, they know my schedule. How do they know when I shower?" He asked me, his hand shaking madly.

"The same way they know what I sleep in." I said.

"Who knows what you sleep in?" He asked, his eyes growing big. He looked at me with a pissed off expression. He groaned and slapped my arm, getting even more pissed about the fact that I wasn't even doing anything at all. His little angelic face was full of fury as he puffed his cheeks out. He punched me this time and started to repeatedly hit my arm like he was a little kid.

"Niall James Horan settle down and pack your bags now!" I yelled. Niall was grumbling as he walked off towards the backroom to pack his luggage. I turned off the computer and followed him.

Niall was throwing clothes into his bag, looking at me with an annoyed glance. "Where are we even going to go?" He snapped. I shrugged my shoulders and he frowned. "Seriously, we're not going to stay in a hotel!" He screamed.

"What do you want to do then?" I asked him.

"I'm staying at Greg's."

I stared at him in fury. "You will not stay there!" I yelled at him.

"And why the hell not? He is MY brother." He screamed.

"Yes, your brother who's also apart of the family that doesn't like me." I said in disgust.

"Well you weren't exactly a model citizen once we first met." Niall spat.

"Ohhh, so we're bringing that up now?" I asked him.

"Well we damn sure was never going to bring up the fact that you have a deranged stalker who is-" He stopped mid-sentence and buttons started to click in his head. "Does that mean he's watching us now?" He asked seriously.

I thought about it and nodded slowly. Niall walked to the mirrors and snatched the curtains shut. "How is he watching us?" Niall demanded.

"I'm going to guess a telescope." I said.

"How can you be so calm about this?" He asked me.

"I'm not calm about this!" I told him. "Don't you think I've been looking for whoever this is?" I yelled. "I've been searching non-stop, trying to make sure that YOU don't get hurt. Trying to make sure YOU don't have to worry. Trying to make sure none of this affects YOU!" I yelled at him, causing him to flinch. Niall looked at me in shock before zipping up his bag.

"Fuck you!" He screamed. "I know how to protect myself! I don't need you to watch out for me, I can handle this myself. No, we can handle this together! I am not a child!" I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off. "I'm going to Greg's, I'll see you later. Whenever you feel like working together." He said, throwing his bag over his shoulder and walking out.

I stared at the door in disbelief, trying to figure out what the hell just happened and how we got to this point. I listened as the garage door opened and as Niall's car sped off, my plans totally changing.

Niall was gone for the first time, leaving me alone by myself. I was freaked out to be honest but I held a firm grip on reality and didn't panic. That's when someone started to knock on the door.

I looked around for something to use and found one of Niall's golf clubs. I grabbed it and held it up as I slowly made my way through the house and to the door. I opened it slowly, stepping back just in case whoever it was was the stalker. There was nobody, just a box.

I bent down and reached my hand outside, grabbing the small rectangular package and pulled it inside, slamming the door shut behind me. I locked the door before leaning down on the ground to open it.

Inside there was a small rose bud and a note. I unfolded it and read the words out loud.

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Louis is the fairest of them all

With eyes that change like the shifting sea

It's like a sign that our love was meant to be

Blood pours run through you my beautiful man

Just know that I'm always here, your loyal fan

I just want to run my fingers through your feathery hair

And prove to you that I really truly care

I watch you every night

Not touching you takes a lot of might

My world revolves around you

Know that these words you read are true

I put the small little poem down on the floor and stared at the rose bud. It was perfectly clipped, the petals all around the same length and the color a vibrant red that would stand out in any setting. Whoever my stalker was had either a fine eye or a green thumb, but realizing how personal everything else was it was probably a green thumb.

I sat there and banged my head against the door. I just needed my baby to come back so we could chat about this.

**A/N: So you like it? I know I do! It's going to get more and more crazy!!!**

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