Chapter Four

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**A/N: Crapsauce it's been too long! Totally my bad, I'm sorry!!**

I was sitting in front of Zayn, looking at him try to understand these Greek gods. Harry was mostly just scanning at the pictures. Liam, the buff guy, looked irritated at the fact that Zayn requested tutoring.

"You don't have to be here." Zayn said, sensing the agitation of his two friends.

"Zayn, if they want to be here they can." I said, my words betraying what I was really feeling. I agreed with Zayn. They really didn't have to be here. Hell, Zayn didn't have to be here.

"Well they shouldn't be looking so irritated by your teachings." He said, slapping his pencil down on the table. I looked at him in surprise as he got more riled up towards his friends.

"Whatever, come on Harry." Liam said.

"Aww, someone's mad." Harry said with a cheeky smile. "Or shall I say disappointed?"

"Harry keep your fucking mouth shut." Liam growled.

"Language." I warned.

"Our apologies Mr. Tomlinson." Harry said, apologizing for nothing at all. Liam glared and grabbed his stuff, pushing it in his bag before dramatically walking out. "Again, I apologize for Liam's childish behaviour. Like Zayn said, nobody should be irritated with your excellent teachings. We'll see you both tomorrow."

I was surprised because even though Harry looked bored as he scanned through pictures I'm pretty sure he was listening to everything, unlike Liam. I turned back to Zayn, looking at him with a satisfied smile. He smiled back at me, looking down at his work, writing a few things down.

My phone started to buzz and I looked at him for no reason at all, as if begging for permission. He nodded slowly and I picked up my phone, answering it quickly. "Hello?"

"Louis Tomlinson." The voice said.

"Who's this?" I asked.

"Just a person. So how are you doing Louis?" The guy asked.

"I'm hanging up now." I said, rolling my eyes and hanging up. Zayn looked at me with a questioning stare and I shrugged my shoulders. "Just some dumbass playing games on my phone."

Zayn's phone started to ring in his pocket and he gave me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I thought I turned it off." He said, digging it out of his pocket. He looked at me before answering it. He held it to his ear for a few seconds before holding it out to me.

I gave him a questioning look as I took the phone from him. I held it up to my ear, hearing the same male voice from before. "It's not nice to hang up on a person."

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"Just a friend. Well an admirer actually." He said, a soft chuckle in my ear. I tried to pinpoint his voice, trying to figure out where I knew him from. If I knew him at all.

"Sir, I have no idea who you are, but I would appreciate it if you stopped this now." I said, quickly ending the call. I looked at it and realized the number was blocked, so I handed Zayn back his phone. He looked creeped out by the fact, quickly turning his phone off.

"That's just, is that the same guy who just called you?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it, it's nobody." I told him.

My phone started to ring and I picked it up quickly, not realizing the ringtone. "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!" I screamed.

"Louis William Tomlinson don't you raise your voice at me again or we will never have sweet time again!" He said.

"Niall," I said, smiling at the fact that he called me to talk about sweet time. Zayn was watching me, holding on to ever inch of my conversation. "I'm tutoring, remember?"

"I know," He cried into my ear. "It's just the fact that some creepo called me asking to speak to you." He said. 

"I'm sorry what?" I asked.

"You really need to get a handle on your crazy children, or I will have to beat someone up!" Niall cried. "Of course I hung up on him but the fact that he was forcing me to talk to him and kept asking about you. He was sorta rude!" Niall complained to me. I smiled at him, well the phone in general. "Wait, that's him on the other line." Niall said.

There was a click and then another click once Niall came back. "Thank you Niall." The voice said.

"Louis, seriously who is this creep and how'd he get our numbers?" Niall asked slightly irritated. I didn't want to get him too irritated because Niall tended to do crazy things when that happened.

"Niall, just hang up the phone." I told him. Zayn looked at me in bewilderment, interest in his brown eyes as he nibbled on his writing utensil. He mouthed the word, 'speaker' and I obliged.

Not really sure why I was listening to him, my student. Though I was okay with it because this was bizarre, yet interesting. Niall was yelling at the guy in some weird made up language of his. Or maybe it was rushed together english? You'll never know with that thick Irish accent that comes out when he's angry.

"He's adorable." Zayn muttered, giggling at Niall. I nodded, smirking at the fact that Niall owuld probably hang me by my balls if he heard me say he's adorable when he's angry.

"UGHHIWOLLBEATYOUWITHTHISPANIFYOUCALLMEAGAIN!!" Niall screamed, hanging the phone up. I stared at it, realizing I just missed the whole conversation and I clicked the end button, getting a call from Niall a second later. I answered it, putting it on speaker as soon as I could.

"Niall?" I said, still smirking.

"Hey babe, a couple of things. One, did you hear what I said, don't want to ruin the surprise?!"

"No I didn't." I told him.

"Okay, did you hear that wacko, saying how he sees you everyday!? Zayn your students need to remember to take their medication. By the way how did they get our numbers?" 

"Well mines is on the website so they can call and-" I stopped, frowning at the phone.

"You totally put the ouse number on there as well huh?" He asked.

"I didn't think anyone would actually use it." I said in a hoarse voice.

"My crazy little professor." He said. "Not sure that was smart of you but let's try getting two phones, one that we can direct your students to and the other we can just  be for friends and family eh?"

"Yea, that'll work. I'll make sure to buy one once we finish study hall." I told him.

"Hi, Harry, Liam, and Zayn!" Niall said with a musical laugh. "See, I know your names!" Niall said. 

"Niall dear, I'll see you when I get home." He told me. I nodded in and whispered, 'Bye!' to him. 

"And you boys need to stop laughing at me or I'll beat you all up!" Niall said before hanging up.

I smiled at Zayn, who quickly burst out laughing with me. It didn't take long for us to forget about the creeper who wouldn't stop calling, though I was sure that he was going to come back really soon.

**A/N: So yeah, this totally just happened. Hope you all like the chapter!! Niall is crazy, just a bit! I love crazy Niall in this story, he's so energetic!!**

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