Part 1: Asshat Government

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I woke up. I noticed I smelled like hay. My parents were eating eat. They hadn't woken me. Oh ma gawd. Why? Why? Why would they do that? I taught them how to 720 quick scope. The suddenly my brother Jamal who was a giraffe, pissed all over my face

"Retard!" He yelled as he casually ran away

Then Dr. Dre knocked on my door.

"Niggha, DA helll is yo brother Jamal?"

"He's blazing in the kitchen," I reply

He walks in the kitchen and shoots all of the giraffes. They cry out as they slowly die a painful death. My asshat dad gets his eyeballs blown out and Jamal is 720 no scoped. Then Dr. Dre hits me across the head with a moldy pickle and he kidnaps me.

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