Part ???: I Really Am Running Out Of Ideas

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I woke up. I could smell the Doritos powder. I was alive. There is one way to live a Mountain Dew blast, by snorting Doritos dust. Unfortunately you sneeze a lot. I got out of my bed. I was so high. Today's date was... 4/20/420. It was national weed day. I looked at my MLG watch. Bugger it was 4:20. Those cheeky chaps must've locked me in a freezer for 100 years. My hands were so old lady like. I was dying. Something grabbed me from behind. I turned. It was James Franco! He tazed me and sat me down.
"Kim Jong Un was never the threat. I was his mentor. I agreed to help dre and snoop dog so I could kill you. I didn't get you, but I got them." He walked towards the freezer. He pulled out snoop dog and dre's head. He put them in a shredder. It was painful. He walked over to me and stabbed me with a spoon. I could feel my pancreas collapse. I would never inhale mountain dew again!
"Shit!" I yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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