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Name: Y/n

Last Name: L/n

Hair Color: Purple

Eye Color: Blue

Age: 19

Breathing style: Moon

This form has 4 but you made 15
Form 1: Moon Speed 
Moon speed what you can do is you can go really fast but faster than lighting.   

Form 2: Star dust
Star dust sends a tornado of star dust and you can trap them or you can pull them down if they jump in the air. 

Form 3: Moon dancing
Moon dancing is useful when you have a demon on the water cause you can stand on the water while dancing using this form. 

Form 4: Solar eclipse
Solar eclipse stuns your enemy's it paralyzes them. 

Form 5: Blinding lights
Blinding lights is when you use this form you blind you enemy and it will be a lot easier to kill them but you have to have the energy.

Form 6: Blood moon
Blood moon makes your sword inviable or like it can't break you can hit your enemy in any direction it doesn't matter if the material is hard or soft.

Form 7: Moon shadow
Moon shadow makes you blend in with the shadows so it would be hard for your enemy to see you.

Form 8: Moon flower
Moon flower helps you gain energy back so this form is really useful.

Form 9: Moon Shield
Moon Shield is you put moons around you to help block the attack and it is impossible to break. 

Form 10: Moon creatures
Moon creatures is you can summon any creatures and they are made out of stars.

Form 11: Solar beam 
Solar beam is you can create a dark beam coming out of your sword to hit your target but it wont will not kill them right away. 

Form 12:Moon Butterflies
Moon Butterflies are like spies to you they can help you find were the demon is so you can slay it.

Form 13: Zero Gravity
Zero Gravity is you can make your self weightless or make the demon weightless as well and they can possible fly to the sun. 

Form 14: Moon pillow
Moon Pillow put anyone to sleep depends on the user who uses it.

Form 15: Dark Abyss
Dark Abyss is you put the demon in the abyss but the abyss is near the sun so they can burn easily but this form takes so much energy that you sometimes would pass out or won't be able to stand for 24 hours. Possible break a bone or two. 

Is a Hashira but I give you back story on how you become a Hashira

Teacher: Yourself


Siblings: Killed

This is what you Haori looks like

This is what you look like you also wear the hair clip not the outfit

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This is what you look like you also wear the hair clip not the outfit

This is what you look like you also wear the hair clip not the outfit

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You also wear this in battle 

You also wear this in battle 

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Not the heels.

This is what you Katana looks like

This is what you Katana looks like

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Giyuu Tomioka X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now