Chapter 9

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Y/n Pov

In the morning I woke up with my head hurting and I felt my kids right by my side and all I did was smile and put my hand on their head and of course Mikey woke up cause he is a light sleeper and Iris is a heavy sleeper. I then got up and pick him up and walked to the kitchen and set him down and walked to the fridge and decided to make the kids favorite which was Giyuu's favorite simmer salmon. As I am cooking I hear the door open and Iris comes walking out and sits right next to her brother and Mikey has a very caring personality and sense he is the oldest he loves his sister and would protect her. I then looked at my stomach thinking would he still be caring to the next one I wasn't sure, but I hope he is. I then took the plates out and places the food on it and set it on the table and made them warm milk with honey and nutmeg and mixed it all together and gave it to them. We all started eating until I saw my crow Ravana it's been so long sense I've seen her I then went over to her and said.

Y/n: Ravana is there something you need?

Ravana: Craw craw sorry if I am late to congrats you for your children and congrats with the baby in you stomach.

Y/n: Thank you.

Ravana: Anyway Giyuu Tomioka told me to tell you he will see you soon and that the war is over, but even though Muzan is gone there are still demons out there that have been turn.

Y/n: Giyuu is alive!

Ravana: Yes he is just healing he got badly injured.

Y/n: Ravana I want you to yell at him for me saying Baka you lied to me and know you are hurt. Also tell him I've been so worried.

Ravana: Copy that also the worried part is that why your eyes look red is because you've been crying?

Y/n: Don't you dare tell him that I've been crying I don't need him worrying about me.

Ravana: okay well have a good day y/n I hope to see you again.

Y/n: Agreed good bye Ravana.

She then left and I was so happy he is still alive.

Giyuu Pov

As I was in Shinobu healing center cause I lost half my arm during the war, but it is never the same without y/n. I wonder what she is doing know, but before I could think even more it was y/n's crow it came back I wonder what news it has.

Giyuu: What is it Ravana?

Ravana: She is still alive and she told me to tell you something.

Giyuu: What is it?

Ravana: She says, Baka you lied to me and know you are hurt! She also said she is very worried for you.

Giyuu: Dang I guess she is doing fine hehe...

Ravana: Not really her eyes were really puffy and red like she's been crying for days. Please don't tell her I said that I'm not looking to be food.

Giyuu: She's been crying...

When I heard that I really want to see her again I want to comfort her I need to be there for her. I then got up and my arm looks better I then saw Shinobu come in and she gave me the nod I can leave and that I was good to go. I then went to my estate and started packing my stuff which I needed help from one of the other Hashira cause my right arm is useless. Then Tengen came over to me and said.

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