Chapter 6

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3 months have gone by and Giyuu never left his estate only for missions, but the other Hashira's started getting worried for him. 3 weeks have pass you and you slowly open your eyes. Giyuu also told the story to Shinobu why he called y/n his love.

Y/n Pov

I slowly open my eyes and see a room I then sat up, but pain right away and I screamed I was in so much pain I couldn't take it. I then saw the door and Shinobu rushed to me and slowly sat me back down and went back to treating my wounds and I was so much pain were some tears went down my face and Shinobu noticed and said.

Shinobu: Please y/n san take an easy you are not fully healed and if you move around so much you will be in complete pain don't do that to yourself.

I nod and looked to my side and move footsteps came though the door it was Zenitsu, Tanjiro and Inosuke they saw I was awake. They then came to my side and hugged my neck cause they didn't want to put me in pain and Nezuko came walking towards me and Tanjiro pulled the bamboo down and she said.

Nezuko: Hello y/n I'm glad you are awake.

Y/n: Thank you Nezuko.

He then put it back up then was back to me and gave me a warm smile and I smiled back. I then saw them leave to let me rest more, but I wanted to see if Giyuu was doing good so I then asked Shinobu...

Y/n: Shinobu.

Shinobu: Yes y/n?

Y/n: How is Giyuu?

Shinobu: ARA ARA I got to go and get him!

She then ran out the room once she was done treating my wounds I then rest my eyes.

Giyuu Pov

It's been 3 months and 3 weeks and yet she is not awake I don't even know what to do, but feel empty. I then heard a scream and I got up and it sounded like they were in pain, but who. Then a few minutes passed and someone knocked on my door and when I checked it was Shinobu and she grabbed my hand and rushed me to her estate I tried asking what's going on, but she ignored me. Once we were at her estate she then took me to the room y/n was laying in and when I saw her eyes were still closed and I sighed and was about to walk away until I heard.

Y/n: S-Shinobu is that you?

Shinobu: yes and I brought someone.

Y/n: Oh okay...Sorry I can't see them they seem to be hiding in the shadow.

Shinobu: Get in here she is awake I know you miss her so much and plus I would leave you two alone, but please hurry I need to get to her wounds soon again.

I then nod and went in the room and I heard her say.

Y/n: Your scent smells familiar.

I then went over to her and placed my hand on her cheek and she took her right hand and placed it on top of her hand and she slowly open her eyes and she saw my eyes and smiled softly and I had tears coming down and she took her right hand off of mine and placed it on my face and wiped the tear away. I then saw her eyes even more they look like they were in pain so much I then asked her.

Giyuu: Are you in that much pain?

Y/n: It hurts it doesn't matter if it's not fully healed it hurts so bad I just wanna scream again.

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