You and Giyuu are best friends since childhood but one day when he went to the final you waited for him to return until 2 weeks went by and you lost hope in him and decided to move on. You are know the Moon Hashira you've killed 2 lower moons and 10...
In the morning I was sore and I looked up to see were I was. I then looked down and I was on top of Giyuu and his hands were over me I then felt tired and was about to fall asleep again until Giyuu woke up and sat up with me. He then kissed me on the cheek and sat me up and he picked me up and dressed me.
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He then took me downstairs and I got out of his hands and I went to the kitchen to cook until he was behind me and placed his hands on top of mine and helped me cook breakfast and he knew what I was making. He then help me pour the noodles in the bowls and with everything else then placed it on the table and and we started eating. I then got up and washed the dishes and laid down on the couch until Giyuu came over to me and said.
Giyuu: You know Mr. Urokodaki misses you. You should visit him.
Y/n: That sounds nice, but what about you?
Giyuu: Well my crow gave me a heads up that I would have a mission today sorry...
Y/n: It's okay.
Giyuu: Here this will keep the demons away incase okay.
Y/n: Okay that seems a lot why is that?
Giyuu: Easy you can put it around your old house so no demons can come in.
Y/n: Smart thinking!
Giyuu then help me pack some stuff for me and I was off and I waved at Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Rengoku, and Shinobu. I then walked out of the place and looked at the beauty of the snow and forest, but for some reason I felt sick to my stomach. I ignore the feeling and pressed on. It took me 10 hours to reach my old house I then placed the purple flowers around my house and set my things down and pulled out my futon and fell asleep.
In the morning
When I woke up I needed to throw up and so I went to the bathroom and started throwing up and once I finished I washed my face and my hands. I then started walking back to Mr. Urokodaki house and as I was passing by I saw the training area it brought back good memories back I then saw his house so I knocked and someone opened the door it was Mr. Urokodaki. I then smiled and he hugged me right away and said.
Mr. Urokodaki: It's been so long Y/n how have you been!?
Y/n: I've been good Mr. Urokodaki.
Mr. Urokodaki: When you left you didn't come back in a long time and I started getting worried and so when Giyuu visited me he told me that you were fine and that you became a Hashira and me not knowing you were a demon slayer.
Y/n: hehe sorry I didn't tell you I was a demon slayer cause before I met you I told the master I want to take a break so I can help my family, but when the demon came I couldn't protect them...
Mr. Urokodaki: Don't worry it wasn't your fault and you know that.
Y/n: Thank you Mr. Urokodaki.
Mr. Urokodaki:...
Mr. Urokodaki: So is it me or did you stomach get a little bigger?
Y/n: Huh?
He then put his hand on my stomach and looked stood right back up and said.
Mr. Urokodaki: Uh... well you know you have a baby right?
Y/n: Know that you say that I started feeling sick after...
Mr. Urokodaki: Let me guess you did the magical thing with Giyuu...
Y/n: I guess I can't remember much from last night hehe....
Mr. Urokodaki: I see well another reason Giyuu told me to keep you here.
Y/n: W-what!?
Mr. Urokodaki: Y/n there's a war about to happen and I heard about your injury and with another blow like that you would die and plus you are pregnant Giyuu wouldn't want you to die nor the baby.
Y/n: I guess you are right, but I wish I could help...
He then placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me the nod to take a break and focus on the baby that I need to take care of.
(Fyi um.. lets just say after you have that kid you get two more cause why not)
1 month as happen sorry being lazy...
I am making lunch for myself and I started getting worried I don't even know when this war is about to happen, but if it happen this month I don't know what is taking him so long.