Revelations Pt. 2

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After another hour Reid finally starts to stir in his sleep. The door busts open just as Reid starts to mumble something.

"I'm not weak. I'm not weak." He whispers half asleep.

"I don't give a damn whether you're weak or strong." He says before croutching in front of Reid's face, his eyes still closed from lack of sleep. "Yell all you want. Ain't no one gonna hear you!" He yells before belting out an angry yell to show us no one will hear us scream.

Once Reid fully awakens I try to shuffle my chair closer to him but I fail not even being able to move my right leg.

"My weakling son seems to think God wants you both to live." Tobias' 'father' says before grabbing a camera and setting it in front of Reid, turning it on. "Let's see if he's right." He says leaving the frame. A red dot blinks telling us he's recording Reid.

He comes back into the frame holding a large bucket and piece of metal in it. He places a pair on gloves and waves at the camera.

(Play Song)

"See that. Your fellow Devil worshipers are watching this." He explains to Reid. I swallow hard knowing the team is watching us.

Tobias' alter ego grabs the stick of metal and lifts it from the bucket, showing the end sizzling red. I let out a cry knowing he's going to burn Reid. He starts walking towards Reid, positioning his chair closer to the camera.

To hear sounds of people
To hear sounds of people

"Stop it! Take me! Take me! Please!" I yell pleading to take Reid's place. Tobias' head bobs up and looks at me.

"Aw look at that boy. Your whore friend wants to take your place." He taunts Reid before kicking him off his chair. "Here you go." He says pointing to the chair across the room, expecting me to get up and sit there. I swallow and bite my lip.

And I don't want your pity
I just want somebody near me

"I can't get up." I whisper.

"What!" He yells.

"I said I can't get up." I talk loudly. He lets out an angry breath and shoves the metal back in the bucket, taking one glove off. He stomps towards me and grabs my hair, pulling me off my chair by it. I let out a whimper from the feeling of my scalp coming off my head. He drags me across the room and slams me into Reid's chair.

And I know no one will save me
I just need someone to kiss

Marching back towards the bucket he places the glove back on over his fingers. Once done he turns around and makes sure I'm in front of the camera. I look up at Tobias with an angry expression.

"Well! What are you waiting for!" I yell at him.

"Shut your mouth whore!" He yells slapping me across the face. My head swings to the side, blood tricking out of my mouth. I laugh and spit blood on the ground.

Nobody, nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody

He grabs my head with his hand, feeling his gloved fingers twirling and gripping my black hair. Suddenly he lets go of my hair and grabs a few ropes that lay on the floor and ties my wrists behind the back of the chair. I look down at the floor to see Reid holding his bleeding head trying to untie the ropes on his ankles and hands. I shake my head at him and whisper for him to stop.

And still nobody wants me
Still nobody wants me

"Quiet!" Tobias yells spitting in my face. I shrink away from him trying to wipe his spit on my shoulder. He leans down and places his hands on the top of my blood soaked t-shirt.

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