Mr. Scratch

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After about thirty minutes I get a group call from Penelope, Rossi, and Hotch.

"Peter Lewis. Born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida. Calling him a math genius would be an understatement." Garcia says filling me in.

"Where in the foster care system was he in?" Hotch asks her. Her fingers type loudly on the keyboard, the sound traveling onto my line.

"He wasn't...his parents ran the foster home until it...oh dear." Garcia says trailing off.

"Looks like we found our Mr. Scratch." Rossi vocalizes.

"One of the boys in the house said Peter's dad would dress up as the devil and the other kids would follow suit." Hotch informs me.

"Did he serve time?" I ask as I'm driving through the night streets.

"Nope, He was killed in jail for being a pedophile. And none of the kids from the home went into witness protection." Garcia speaks stumped.

"Who the hell is he still hunting?" Rossi asks.

"Who ran the investigation? Maybe he wants payback on them." I ask trying to think of anyone Peter would like to harm.

"Dr. Susana Regan, she was responsible for a lot of the allegations because she was a member of the "believe the children" movement. Which basically meant that the cops had to believe anything the kids said, and if the kiddos didn't have anything to say, twist their arm until they did." Garcia tells us.

"Then she published a book." Hotch adds.

"And we came out with the Lanning report and debunked her." Rossi tells me.

"Her career flunked and she received numerous death threats so she went into witness." Garcia finishes.

"Where does she live?" I ask as I look at the street sign that I passed to see where I'm located.

"A very nice estate in Maryland." Garcia answers for me.

"I'm right by the highway, send me the address I'm the closest one out there." I tell her before making a swift U-turn, speeding onto the highway.

"Sent!" Garcia tells me.

"Thank you lovely." I say before hanging up and putting on my lights and sirens so people get out of my way.


I arrive in about an hour, slowing my speed and turning off my headlights as I pull into her driveway. I put my FBI vest on and take out my gun before pursuing out the car.

I walk up the steps and bang on the door.

"Dr. Regan!" I yell out.

"It's open come in." Her voice speaks loudly through the door. I furrow my brows at her strange remark causing me to stand up straighter before creaking the door open.

"Are you alright?" I ask her, as I walk through the darkly lit house.

"Agent Del la Cruz?" She asks in a frail voice. I follow it, leading me to the living room. "I got Agent Rossi's message."

"You are in danger, you need to leave." I warn her as I continue following her voice.

"I understand, I'm in the study. I'm so glad you're here." She tells me, just when I walk through the open doors of the living room. Revealing her in a dim, elegantly designed room. She stands by a small table, her frail hands placed on it.

"You need to see this." She says calmly before taking out a knife. "He wants you to see this." She tells me before shining a smile and stabbing the knife into her throat. My eyes widen and I lunge towards her.

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