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"What are you...How are you here?" My mother asks looking up at me. I bite my lips as my eyes glance to the figure that is emerging from behind her. My fathers figure leans against the doorframe staring down at me.

"Mija?" He asks. My mouth goes dry before I stand up straighter.

"My team and I are in town and we'd like to talk with you two." I say almost robotically.

"Talk about what?" My father asks.

"May we come in?" Leo asks.

"We have a warrant if you refuse." Morgan lies smoothly.

"Fine, come in." My father sighs as he stands aside. We walk in and my eyes travel throughout the house. Tall ceilings, wooden floors, happy family photos, and everything that a normal household has.

But they are nowhere near a normal family.

"So what do you want to know?" My mother asks as she motions us to sit in the living room. I take a seat in a soft brown leather sofa, with Leo sitting on my left and Morgan to my right.

"Just a few questions." Morgan tells them.

"Roberto go upstairs." My mother tells him.

"But.." He starts to say.

"Roberto now!" My fathers voice booms. My eye twitches and my stomach curls as his loud voice causes flashbacks.

"So I'm assuming you recognize me." I state and sit down closer into the seat.

"Of course Mija. We were looking for you for years now." My mother lies.

"Really? Because you never filed a missing child report." I state aloud, pursing my lips as I tilt my head to the side.

"We looked ourselves. We didn't need the cops help." My father sneers.

"I wouldn't talk ill of the department." Morgan utters before opening his badge. Leo and I do the same showing our 'FBI' badges.

"You're FBI?" My mother asks surprised.

"Surprised?" I asks as I close my badge.

"No, we always knew you were smart." My mother says licking her lips.

"How? You stopped sending me to school." I state honestly.

"You were a bright kid." My father says avoiding my statement. Leo chuckles before his chuckling grows into hard laughter.

"What's so funny?" My dad asks. Leo looks up before laughing again. "I said what's so funny?" My father asks more aggressive. Leo stops laughing slowly and wipes his eyes from a few tears.

"I just find it funny how now she's an FBI agent, and yet she didn't go to school until high school." He says still trying to calm down.

"Right, she had to work extra hard and yet still was top of her class. And you gave her up?" Morgan asks with a surprised voice.

"That's what I find funny." Leo says seriously.

"Is that what you've been telling people? That we gave you up?" My dad asks. I cross my legs and place my hands on my knees.

"No, I've been saying how the two of you haven't had any help in my success. What you did was almost a joke." I lie, laughing to myself.

My fathers eyes harden as he stares at us.

"Nothing?" He asks.

"Nada papi." I say in Spanish. "Sure it was hard but I got over it the day I got away. I mean really, did you really think that you changed me?" I ask in an amused tone.

Profiling Love (A Derek Morgan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now