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I wake up to whispered voices, already knowing who it is. I peek an eye open to see Morgan, Prentiss, Hotch, Reid, JJ, and Garcia.

"What do you mean her place went up in flames?!" Prentiss whisper yells at Morgan.

"It means her place was on fire." He answers annoyed.

"Why?" JJ asks. Morgan doesn't answer and continues talking.

"We went in to save a few people but she got stuck with a kid. She was forced to fall 12 stories." Morgan tells the team.

"Oh my...is my baby okay?" Garcia asks.

"Oh yeah princess. Nothing too bad she'll be fine by next week." Morgan answers. I stir a little and everyone's line of vision turns to me.

"Did your mothers not teach you not to talk behind someone's back." I tease sitting up in bed. Reid bolts to my side and puts a hand on my back. I smile and accept his help.

"Guys I'm fine." I reassure everyone but none of them believe me.

"You fell 12 strories." JJ emphasizes.

"And I'm all good." I say before looking over at Reid's worried face. "Reid I made you a promise, I'm not leaving." I tell him. He nods slowly and fumbles with my hair tie. "So how was the case yesterday without me and Morgan?" I asks.

"Oh some sicko killing and torturing." Garcia says.

"Hostage situation, I had to talk to him to let her go." Hotch answers.

"The guy didn't make it." Prentiss finalizes.

"I was called a pipe cleaner with eyes." Reid says making me laugh.

"I mean he's not wrong." I tease. He purses his lips causing me to laugh harder.

"Oh Spency I'm just joking." I tell him.

"We have a replacement for Gideon." Hotch speaks and my eyes bulge.

"Really? Who?" Morgan and I ask.

"Dave Rossi." Prentiss tells us and my mouth drops.

"Rossi?" I repeat not believing it.

"The retired guy who wrote all those book?" Morgan asks amazed.

"Yeah, but he's hard to work with." Prentiss adds.

"How so?" I ask.

"He writes in this little book and doesn't share." JJ answers. I frown and furrow my brows.

"Well lets see how it goes on other cases." I tell them.

"Okay, I know this is like totally rude and too soon to ask but I just have to. Why did your apartment burn down?" Garcia asks getting antsy.

I sigh and shrink in my bed. Morgan's hand grasps mine giving me the confidence.

"Well Garcia and Morgan know the story but the rest of you don't." I say aloud. Hotch's thick eyebrows scrunch together and looks at me. "I think it's time you all know, because you're no longer safe."


"Why didn't you tell me?" Reid asks with a unreadable face. I roll my lips into my mouth and look away.

"It's not something I'm proud of okay. But now Joshua knows me, and he knows who I love. So you are all in danger." I tell them. Prentiss rubs her head before looking at me.

"I understand why you didn't tell us." She says and I smile.

"Thank you." I murmur. Reid scoffs and leaves the room. I bite my lip and look to the rest of the team.

"Ima go talk to him." Morgan adds before he leaves the room as well.

"What no father talk Hotch?" I ask with a small chuckle. He shakes his head and sits on the bed. Garcia, JJ, and Prentiss leave, Hotch the only one staying.

"I'm sorry, I probably put Jacks life in jeopardy. And I take full responsibility." I tell him. He shakes his head and looks up at me.

"I told everyone about Haley and I's divorce. And everyone was accepting." He says, a small smile breaks onto my face before I look at the closed door.

"Yeah but this time not everyone's accepting." I tell Hotch. He looks at the door before back at me.

"He'll get over it." Hotch says before patting my hand. "And don't worry about Joshua, we'll find him." He reassures me.

"I can't ask for you guys to do that. You have work to do, other cases, a son." I explain but he only shakes his head.

"As you've said. We are a family, you are my family." He declairs. I smile and thank him. He nods before getting up and leaving. Garcia comes in and sits on my bed.

"So I've done a little digging and I was able to find some dirt on this so called Joshua." She says with a proud smile. "He's 21 years old, a small criminal record that we know of, white, has one brother."

"Yeah he's my good friends brother, I know the basics of him." I tell her. She frowns and rubs her chin trying to think.

"The only picture I can seem to find is his driving license." She mumbles before flipping her laptop. My heart drops as I look at the picture of Joshua.

"What? What is it?" Garcia asks me.

"I...I recognize him." I stutter.


"Keep it open!" I hear someone shout. I spring my hand through the metal door, hoping it wouldn't close.

"Thank you." A young out of breath man says as he makes it in.

"No problem." I answer and press the main floor. "What floor you going to?" I ask the short, dirty blonde haired man.

"Same as you." He answers in a strained voice. I nod and look away from him, having a feeling that I've seen him before. When we arrive to the ground floor he motions for me to go first.

"Ladies first." He motions. I look up at him and give him a fake smile.


"He was in the elevator in the BAU after I went to talk to you the other night." I explain.

"H-how? Did you talk to him?" She asks scared.

"Yeah, he seemed odd to me. He said something that Leo, his brother, always used to say to me whenever he didn't want to do something. He said 'ladies first'. I tried to ignore it since it's a common phrase but..." I ramble.

"Oh my god. He was in the building." Garcia says taking off her glasses.

"Who knows where else he's been that we didn't know." I utter. Everyone pours back in but stops when they see Garcia and I's faces.

"What's wrong?" Morgan asks us.

I look up at him with shocked eyes and my mouth slightly ajar.

"He's watching us." I whisper.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Let me know what you think of it.

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Word count: 1109

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