Chapter 2

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Finished Junior High

Warning suicide and slight gore

Out of POV 

   It's been months since the 'suicide' occurred at this school. The news soon later died down but that doesn't mean that Aoi's friends still beat Izuku for it. But sooner or later he would think that they'll forget about it. But it was only a few months until the exams of schools to try out. Izuku was hoping to find a part-time job while trying to find a school. 

   He already abandoned the thought of being a hero so he would try normal school that just acquired learning and thinking of their career. 

He was sitting in class bored of his mind. Trying to ignore the fact that he was tired, for the reason of trying to find a school. But sadly the teacher destroyed the papers near the beginning at the school. He sighed quietly and looked at the clock. Just a few more minutes for him to get out of this h*ll. 

  A few minutes later, the bell rang through the school. Izuku rushed out of class ignoring the teacher saying 'The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!' Izuku laughed a little before stepping outside and soon stepped out of the school's grounds.

   He went towards this store that was near his house. He then started to look for something. He then found it. It was a small video camera. He then got a strap to connect the camera so that he could carry it with him. He went two yards to the counter and bought the two items. He stepped outside which was met with a battle.

   People were staring at amusement or the fight. Seeing heroes beating the good for nothing villain. Soon the hero defeated the villain and locked them up. Izuku rolled his eyes with a cliche victory and walked home. He got home and saw that his mother wasn't here. He shrugged it off and took off his shoes and hung his bag. And went towards his room to connect the trap and the camera and learned how to use the camera.

   He made a short clip and watched it after. Making sure that it worked. He planned to buy memory cards, just in case the first card runs out of room. 

He then heard the front door open. Izuku got out of his room and was greeted by his mother placing the envelopes on the dining table. 

"I'll be starting dinner, as soon as I finish showering.", Inko said as she put the keys in the fruit bowl.

"I could do it while you're showering, mom.", Izuku said as he approached his mother. His mother looked towards him, questioning look.

"Are you sure? You don't have to.", She tried to reassure him. But Izuku shocked it off and nodded towards his mother. She smiled and then kissed him on the cheek before going towards her room to change. Izuku went towards the kitchen and started to make dinner.

Some time later it would be night time. They both finished dinner a while ago and he just finished showering. Started to go to bed and fell asleep a few minutes after. 

The next day

   Izuku was minding his own business. Thinking about his next 'victim'. He doesn't think of them as his victims if it's for a 'good' cause. His videos weren't very important to look at or consider thinking of it. Izuku doesn't mind, it'll only take some time before they are recognized. 

   He scanned around the park that he was in. Trying to find someone for his channel. He then landed on a boy that looked about his age. Which means that he goes at the same grade as him and school. He saw him when he was beating him or just watching him get insulted or beat. He knows about his quirk but doesn't know more about what he does after school. He kept staring at him taking some notes about him. But knowing that it would help. 

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