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{harrry's POV}

I slowly sit down on the curb, bringing my legs up to my chest. I cannot believe how badly I lost myself. I'm completely soaked in blood, and I have no idea who's it is. I woke up out back of some dairy mart. I couldn't smell blood besides on myself.

Normally I'm so carful. I always eat before I go out but I didn't expect to be kept in the woods over night. I thought I'd be okay, but apparently not. I rest my head on my knees and let out a loud sigh. My family would be so disappointed - hell Zayn's probably disappointed. I know I'd be if it was him or Lou.

I just hope Niall isn't suspicious. He doesn't need this in his life right now - or ever. He's got enough on his plate with Liam and his book.

"Harry." Zayn shouts running towards me. I smile and stand up and great him with a hug, which surprisingly he accepted.

"Thank you for coming to get me." Zayn nods, handing me a clean shirt.

"This is all I got. Good thing your pants are black." I laugh and strip off my bloodied shirt and place in the new black on Zayn brought. "All set?" I nod, throwing the shirt into the trash.

"Let's go."


Turns out I wasn't too far from the outskirts of New York so it only took us about a half hour to get home. I thanked Zayn for giving me a ride then headed inside.

I wanted to talk to Niall but I decided just to head inside. My apartment was completely empty, I'm surprised Louis isn't stuffing his face full of junk food on my couch whilst watching cartoons.

I plop down onto the couch and begin to close my eyes only to be disturbed by my home phone ringing. "What!" I snap as I answer.

"Hey Hazza it's Louis, I'm having Nialler over in a few and I wanted to know if you'd maybe wanna come too?"

"No." And without an answer I hung up. I probably could of handled that better but I didnt. I've had a long night, all I need is some sleep. And with that I passed out.

• • •

poor hazza

CannibalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora