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H a r r y

"Are you alright?" Rose asks sitting me on the couch. I shrug rubbing my temples. Not to self; Never ever fucking drink again. "Would you like me to grab you some Advil?" I nod thanking her.

Rose appears like a really sweet caring girl but something seems off with her. She stairs at me, Lou, and Zayn like she's about to pounce at us. She also always looks at out eyes, like she's waiting for them to change color or something,

"Harry." Rose says, holding two white pills in front of my face.

"Thank you." She nods watching me as I quickly sallow them. "Are you alright?" She nods.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Your just always stairing at me." She laughs.

"Isn't that a good thing?" I shrug inching slowly away from her. She's really creeping me out. "Is it?"

"I said I dunno." She laughs grinning at me.


"Hia! Sorry I had to eat dinner with Liam and Luke." Niall says barging into the room. "How's Lou?"

"Eh I think he's out cold." He chuckles sitting done on the couch across from me and Rose. "So how was dinner?"

"Good. Luke is actually a pretty cool lad - and he's got quite an appetite." I laugh.

"Did he eat more than you?"

"No. No one could ever beat me." Rose snorts making me and Niall look at her. "Something funny?"

"It's just I remembered this one time in year ten I think when you and Joey Gonza had an eating contest and he had to go to the hospital to have his stomach pumped." Ouch.

"That wasn't Joey, that was Noah. Joey was the kid who got hit by that car."

"I thought that was Carver?" Niall shakes his head.

"Well wasn't your school amazing." I joke making them both laugh.

"Yeah I guess our school wasn't the best - I actually think it got shut down." Rose states smiling like it was a good thing.

"Wasn't it like in the woods?" She nods.

"Yeah just at the opening of them." Niall smiles.

"Ah it's been ages since I've been there." He says, his smile growing bigger. Rose nods smiling just as big.

"How about tomorrow we go visits it?" I blurt, "I mean, if you want."

"You'd really take me?" Niall asks excitedly.

"Sure! Maybe Zayn will wanna come too." Niall nods smiling even wider - if that was even possible.

"Thank you!" He bubbles practically tacking me to the floor.

"Your welcome Niall." I laugh. "I'll tell Zayn." He nods then begins to gossip with arose about old school stories I really had no interest in - but I couldn't help but listen in when Niall mentioned a strange man always watching the kids at recess from the depths of the woods.


Alright it's been ages but I finally updated. It sucks ass I know but whatever.


CannibalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora