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January 3, 2007

Michael sat quietly on his front porch as he read his favourite novel, To Kill A MockingBird. He'd read the book many times but he still reads it again and again.

Ashton watches grumpily from across the street. His home is quite far away from Michael's so everyone knew something was up.

Ashton hated Michael with a fire deep within his soul. Michael had friends, Ashton didn't. Michael was loved, Ashton wasn't. Ashton really hated Michael, and he was going to find a way to rid of the boy.

"Hey Michael!" Ashton hollers running across the street. Michael sets down his book, marking his page.

"Hello Ashton! What brings you to my home?" Ashton cringes.

"I was wondering if you wanted to.... play?"

"Play?" Ashton nods. Michael looks down, thinking for a moment before nodding. "Sure! I'd love to." Ashton smiles, not because Michael has excepted his invitation but that today he's finally get rid of the lad.

"Would you like to play in the woods? It's got way more room." Ashton suggests, looking over at the dense woods behind Michael's house.

"Sure! My father takes me there sometimes, it's quite pretty." Ashton nods, pretending to listen to the boys rambling. "My brothers say that I shouldn't go but I know we'll be safe."

Ashton eventually tunes Michael out as he plots how to get rid of him.


"So Michael your gunna count to 100 whilst I hide, alright?" Michael nods covering his eyes and begins his counting.

"1.....2.....3.....4..." Ashton quickly sprints out of the woods, making sure he was past Michael's house before down. "98....99....100! Here I come!" Michael uncovers his eyes and begins to search for Ashton, who he has no idea was no longer in the woods.

He searched through every field, behind ever tree and in them, yet he still couldn't find Ashton. "Ashton!" Michael shouts, "Ashton! This isn't funny!" No reply.

Michael decides to head home but as he begins to walk back he has no idea where he is. All the trees look the same to him. He panics.

Calm down Michael. Breath. Calm down, and move.

Michael collects himself and begins to walk back the way he came - hopefully.

• • •

i did this to give ya'll some background knowledge.

CannibalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora