hello everyone, I hope you're doing well...my gut just wanted me to tell you all about this.
In order to understand this you might need to read it more than one time.
okay so apparently the host janice bolger, claims that an entity ( not an evil one) named 'bashar' channeled through 'Darral anka' who is one of the best channels in the world so basically the video is about what bashar's opinion is on parallel realities and janice explains it really well. it's gonna change your perspective on shifting.
motion and physical reality is really a series in a sense of very fast flickers frozen moments but at a rate that seems smooth and continuous but you're only experiencing them to create theexperience of physical reality you can broaden the window of how many flicker that you are capable of seeing or experiencing so expansion and enlightenment is really the process of stepping up your vibration stepping up your frequency so that you'll be able to match more of the beats and get in syncwith more of the flickers thus be able to perceive more of the realities thatexist already around you but right now are invisible to you if you do notvibrate at the rate that is commensurate to your ability to perceive more ofthose flickers so you are stepping up your frequency to be able to perceive more of all that is around you of what's already right here and right now in a sense that's what expansion and consciousness is all about and that's why you hear over and over again the importance of raising your vibration , raising your frequency because as we have said it is it very easy to do when you act on the things that give you the most joy in life the things that give you the most excitement because the excitement is your body's physical translation of the highest frequency of your true natural self and when you stay in sync with that frequency you are capable of perceiving more ,more levels of the reality all around you this is what is called inspiration imagination creativity and when you arein that state of unconditional love you have access to your higher self you forma stronger relationship with the higher self between the higher mind and thephysical mind this idea that you are shifting constantly gives you the opportunity to understand that it's not about learning how to shift it's about learning what you would prefer to shift to since you are shifting all the time since shifting manifestation and transformation are automatic and immediate so immediate that you don't even know what you are when you are doing it so smooth are the flickers that you don't even know what is happening you are already manifesting realityafter reality after reality this momentis a new reality this moment it is a newreality this is not a metaphor you havepassed through several billion realitiesduring the course of this transmission the idea is that you are all agreeing tostay in sync so that you all experience similar parallel realities and a similarcontinuity in this transmission even as we are in agreement with you to do so this is the true power of consciousnessyou are so powerful you have no idea how powerful you are to be able to do this.
you are so powerful that you are unaware of how powerful you are so the idea is to become more aware that you are doing this and thus you canutilize what you are doing automaticallyby nature in a more conscious way anymore aware way in order to allowyourself to manifest the specific parallel reality configuration that ismore representative of the reality thatyou say that you prefer so because you are constantly automatically shiftingimmediately from parallel reality to parallel realitythe idea is that you don't have to learn how to shift the idea is to understandthat you can make a bigger degree in the difference between one parallel realityand the other is because the only reasonyou don't know you are shifting is that you keep creating parallel realitiesthat are so similar to the last one that you barely notice the difference you do notice it because there is such a thing as movement and movement itself is actually a shifting through parallel realities if you wish to really see that you are manifesting immediately and automatically then you have to create a larger degree of difference from one parallel reality to the next and that's where the true magic of manifestation comes in when you start to understand that the next parallel reality can be how you want it to be then you can really start creating new definitionsnew configurations that are very different from the reality that you had a moment ago and you will start seeingthings happening that you would describe as miraculous or magical because that's all miracles are is a greater shift from one parallel reality to the other interms of their configuration so that you can see the difference between them in much more outstanding way so the idea isto feel that you are already traveling through parallel realities with ease asyou begin to allow yourself more opportunity to act on your highest joy which then makes you a magnet for the kinds of realities the kinds of definitions that you say you prefer you will begin to allow yourself as that attractive antenna and that attractive magnet to pull to you in a sense those configurations of parallel realities that are more in keeping with what you say you are putting out because that is the law what you put out is what you get back so the idea is to begin in any way shape or form that works for you within your imagination whether it be through meditation or some sort of activity to begin to allow yourself to play with this notion that billions of parallel realities are passing through the projection beam of your consciousness every second for those of you more scientifically minded who want to know what is exactly the rate at which these parallel realities are actually shifting in fact your scientists actually already know what the rate is but they don't actually knowwhat they have been what they have labeled as the rate is the actual rate of shifting they call it Planck time there is a thing called Planck length which is very very very very small how small if you take what you call in your reality an atom and you wish to measure the diameter of that atom in Planck links so many Planck links and you did it by measuring one Planck length every second the amount of time it would take you to go from one side of that atom to the other would be 10 million times 14billion that's how small a Planck lengthis so Planck time is the amount of time it takes for light to travel one Planck length so that is a very small increment of time that is the rate that parallel realities per second are going through you and your consciousness that's why you don't notice it it's a very seemingly smooth and unbroken rate of shifting that is the rate for the entirety of what we call spirit reality and physical reality it encompasses all dimensions all realities all expressions of parallel realities of any kindphysical reality is not really flickering or you are not perceiving that many flickers in physical reality you are perceiving roughly about sixty flickers per second that's it compared to billions and billions and billions and billions of flickers in that same second that represent all of the rest of creation and reality that you are not perceiving obviously you canexpand that window a bit you will find that even within your physical reality as you go from what you call third density awareness to fourth density awareness you will generally find thatyou will be expanding this rate of ability to perceive the flickers from the average that exists now of about 60 frames per second to an average of about 300 frames per second with some peoplecapable of attaining about 1000 frames per second still not a lot compared to billions and billions and billions nevertheless it will allow you to perceive quite a bit more than you are perceiving now quite a bit more synchronicity more miraculous and magical manifestations to automatically occur in your life just with that little bit of a stretch you will be able to experience quite a bit more again whatever rate you are capable of broadening this window it is up to you you don't have to rush you don't have to push yourselves remember everything is now so in a sense you have all the time in creation so no rush so did you get all of that a lot of information in a really small amount of time now once again this information may or may not resonate with you to me it makes a lot of sense it's it's a little bit of a brain twister at first but the idea that each reality is one frame is kind of interesting plus if you look at things in that way you can realize how how easy it really is to change things to what you want it to be there is no it takes away that it's supposed to be this way or it's deemed to be that way when it's really what you're putting out there every moment is what you are getting back and that there are multiple realities of yourself in various situations so it's whatever one you want to vibrate with is the one you get so that's where if you really let your imagination go and really get intothe feeling behind whatever it is you want to create emphasis on the feeling of what you want to create that's what gets you into that vibration to get you into the reality where you want to be so hen Bashar goes into some questions from the audience and the first audience member wanted to know more about the speed of light and this is the answer that was given the speed of light or what you call the speed of light is literally the vibrational barrier of your third third dimensional reality what you're actually describing is more like a fabric then something that actually has a rate thus then the idea of the rate of flicker going from parallel reality to parallel reality in the way that we have described is really the way to express what you're talking about but in terms of its absolute rate since it is the defining barrier or border of physical reality it doesn't change relative to any other motion within that reality relative to fourth density would it be moving at a different rate answer yes question and what would that rate be in relation to third density answer it can be anywhere from many thousands of times faster to many millions of times faster it upon where you are in the idea of the higher reality levels so as you move to a higher density light speeds up answer well in a sense what we're talking about is a euphemistic analogy the idea is that you simply become more aware of more that already exists because in a sense what you typically call light is simply in effect a side effect you're only seeing a part of what we call light what you call light is only a part of something bigger so you perceive more of that bigger energy more of that bigger frequency that bigger consciousness and that and then you can experience the idea of instantaneous where there is no time at all where there is what you call infinite speed on certain levels of dimensionality and awareness but it's not exactly traveling in the same way that you understand light travel in your reality that's just an illusionary side effect therefore it's a little difficult to talk about these things in the same context because they are not really related in the same way question so in a sense you're accelerating your vibration to where your vibration is fast enough to sense other vibrations answer yes and to go beyond the idea of the Light speed barrier into something that would be interpreted as traveling faster but you're not actually traveling faster you are simply going through parallel realities in perception at a different rate because none of you actually travel nobody actually goes anywhere there is only the here and now so even the idea of light traveling is not really traveling that's just an illusion of space-time reality that it actually travels or that you actually move in space space to be more precise is actually moving through you so then the next person asks the question so it seems we're like we're in a choose-your-own-adventure reality show would that be right answeryes as you would say the paradox interms of discussing - tuning into the reality that I prefer as you know there's a lot of dysfunction on this planet answer yes we know question on the one hand I feel compelled to want to get involved and help change it I could just tune my frequency into the reality and where I end up that reality is holistic and working answer that's what happens anyway both of them are the same thing one is not exclusive of the other you help again in your language change things on your world by being an example by acting as an example energetically vibrationally of the world you prefer and shifting yourself to the parallel reality already represented by the vibration you prefer because in the process of shifting you act as an example to others so that they can also choose to make that kind of a shift as well and that's how you help change the world. even though you're not actually literally changing anything in that parallel reality you are simply shifting to another one and that reality is still exactly the way it was because all realities exist simultaneously so the paradox is you help change the world you're in by actually shifting in the best possible way to another reality that is more representative of the world you prefer question a part of me wants to get more hands-on involved answer well by all means do hands-on involvement is the action we're talking about you have to take physical action you are experience experiencing aphysical reality and that's what we mean by the idea of acting as an example ifyou really believe in a particular vibrational reality then your actions will actually exemplify those things by example it has to be grounded in physical reality otherwise it is just a mental exercise you're not completing the circuit it has to be body mind and spirit not just mind therefore by taking an action you are crystallizing the energy of your intention to really radiate in the strongest possible way the vibration of the reality you prefer because if you are in that reality you would be doing whatever it is you would be physically acting in whatever way gave you joy as you say that you are compelled to act as long as you are doing it in alignment with your true self with integrity without expectation then you were acting as an example and by those actions by helping you are thus really anchoring that vibration in that reality as an example for others who can then make the choice to mimic you or mirror you or not so I think Bashar covered that pretty well in that transmission I mean he went about as deep as you could go with how the whole process works I guess the way that I intend to look at this is that your frequency it's almost like a buzzing you're buzzing at a certain frequency and then that suddenly shifts you to another reality instead of actually going somewhere it's just you're in place you sort of buzz into another reality or buzz out of another one kind of an odd way of looking at it
don't ask me who bashar ans janice is. I dunno much about them..I was just trying to find some videos on channeling to your dr s/o and I came across their video. To be honest, I'm surprised that there ain't much videos on channeling....
p.s: I'll only give the link for part 2. I won't write it cuz it's 21 minutes and 21 seconds long.
De TodoThis book is about shifting and yes, I shifted :) ✨1111✨