9th August

285 19 13

Dear Jinnie,

What are you doing to me? I'm unable to focus on anything but you since the past ten months.

It's gotten enough worse that my A+'s have dropped to B's and C's. You're the only thing in my mind...

It hurts Jinnie... knowing that you're not here with me. I can't help but think that you might have found better people than me.

Who actually fit your league. I've always been the weird kid of the class whom everyone feared. Whoever tried to befriend you would get scared by me.

The only reason.. my stupid jealousy...

But I don't regret it. They were snakes and liars. They were just pretending to be nice to you. I hated them.

I know when a person is disgusting in character or not. We met  Yoongi after nine years of our friendship.

Then we met Tae and then later Kook. I haven't ever gotten a danger vibe from them. Somehow, my soulmate senses are saying that you're not okay...

Please be okay Jinnie. I love you. Even if you don't and even if you've forgotten me... I just hope you're okay and happy.

I miss you so much Jinnie...

I had asked you one thing when we were fifteen... Would you ever leave me? You replied with a never.

You told me you wouldn't leave my side no matter how stupid I get. You told me that we were soulmates and soulmates can't live without each other...

You told me you won't leave me...

You lied to me...

Where are you soulmate? I miss you...


Do you miss me?


Ps: I don't know why I keep writing these letters every five days... Maybe to write my feelings out. I don't really know...

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