13th August

251 15 6

Dear Joonie,

Kay, so yesterday when I said that I was going to come out next week... I didn't expect Chim to stand up on the lunch table and scream that he's gay...

Nor did I expect Chan to join him... or Baek to scream that "Hets don't deserve rights!" Then he added, "except Jin and Hobes of course." I snorted, he called Hobi Hobes-

But Hobi's not hetero what the aech Baek-

Anyway, the most surprising thing was, a lot of students joined them. Then a teacher was walking by. His name was maybe Junmyeon, he screamed "I'M GAY BITCHES! STOP EYE FUCKING ME EVERY CHANCE YOU GET! I'M GAY AND I'M A BOTTOM." And then he walked out like nothing happened.

I think I'm platonically in love. He's a legend. That's why Mr. Kim is everyone's favorite teacher.

Anyway that's the tea. The homphobes just started their hashtags again at that. Mr. Kim replied to those tweets today with a selca of him and his boyfriend flipping them off. I love Junmyeon-ssi.

Remember how you used to do that when people called us faggots?

I miss you Joonie... Are you okay?
Please be okay.

I love you. And I just seem to love you more and more each day...


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