14th October

222 10 7

Dear Joonie,

I just came out to the whole school yesterday...

They were bullying Jimin again. He was sitting right next to me, like always. We were messing around just as usual.

The kids kept talking about Jimin audibly and snickering. It pissed me off. Jimin looked so uncomfortable and hurt.

One of them even dared to say, "Look, the fag is trying to spread his disease to Seokjin too." It pushed me over the edge.

The girls were basically gay-shaming Jimin. We're not a bunch of sticks, they need to get that inside they're thick skull.

That's why I grabbed Jimin and kissed him, in front of the whole cafeteria. They were all shocked.

At first I didn't understand why Chan, Baekie, Selugi and Jimin screamed that they were gay, but then so did I. I couldn't believe that it was really me that time.

I followed what Jimin told me to do when I decide to come out. At first, it felt a bit childish and unnecessary, but that time, it felt like a huge weight has been lift up from my chest.

I never in my life ever thought that I'd use vulgar words or curse publicly, but I did. I stood up from my seat and screamed, "I'm gay! Fuck you all! I hope y'all choke on faggots!" That's what Jimin told me to say.

It felt so good Joonie. Literally, I felt like a winner. I never thought I would ever insult someone, but I did. I added, "That's what y'all are good for right? Dragging a pile of sticks to every fucking thing? If you're talking about our sexuality, its rainbows! Not black and white like yours."

The whole cafeteria was shook and silent for good five seconds. But then most of the students started applauding for me and came out.

Jimin is impossible, I... He looked at me in awe and then suddenly clapped and said, "I'm so proud of you, son." I laughed so hard, Chan and Baek then joined me.

I had the fifth best day of my life yesterday... It would've been #1 in best days of my life if only you were here...

The reason of it being the fifth? The second best day of my life is when I first met you Joonie.

Third was when we became best friends, fourth was when we figured out that we were soulmates.

But my best day was, when I figured out that I've always been in love with you. I know I'm oblivious... but I didn't know that I was dumb...

I love you so much Joonie, please forgive your dumb best friend...
You know that he's only dumb for you...

I miss you...


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